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65% Nigerian men over 40 at risk of erectile dysfunction — Expert

A health expert and founder of Paddy Paddy Wellness, Dr David Paddy, has said that over 65 per cent of Nigerian men were at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction at the age of 40 and above.

He attributed the situation to a lack of regular exercise, continuous consumption of processed foods, eating and resting patterns, among other unhealthy habits.

“Among the causes of this, we have infections, abdominal fats and low testosterone levels (which is largely attributed to age) because as you grow older your testosterone level decreases. But God has blessed us with natural herbs to take care of all these things. He has provided a lot of natural resources to increase our hormonal levels and a lot more. God knows that as you age your testosterone and hormonal level is growing low and He has provided things around us with which to increase it and thereby increase our performance. 

“But as I said, ignorance is one of the reasons why a lot of people don’t know that these things exist, let alone use them to help themselves.

“The rate of erectile dysfunction is alarming. It’s very alarming and I can tell you this for sure. It’s increasing on a daily basis and we have to do something about it.

“Let me give you an instance as to why I said this. Clinical research or study carried out about a couple of years ago showed that the average sperm level in men was about 40 million cells. Now, a decade later it was discovered that the average number of sperm cells in men had reduced to 15 million. 

“Can you see the huge gap? Can you see the difference? This simply tells you that there’s a problem. It should tell us that there’s a very serious silent killer on the prowl among men.

“This is killing men gradually, and the problem is that most men are too embarrassed to talk about it. It’s hard for men to walk up to a doctor and say I can not perform in bed. But when we put our messages out there, it will attract them and it becomes easier for them to reach out and speak out.”

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