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Buhari to Army: Eliminate Boko Haram from face of the earth


President Buhari addressing top brass of the military at the event

By Olukayode Michael, Maiduguri

President Muhammadu Buhari has given the military a very tall order. They were told to totally eliminate Boko Haram from the face of the earth.

Buhari spoke to the soldiers as the Commander in Chief of the nation’s Armed Forces at the Maimalari Cantonment, Maiduguri, Borno State, when he declared open the this year’s Chief of Army Staff Annual Conference.

He also bolstered up their confidence, asking the soldiers to be undaunted by the temporary setbacks suffered lately at Matele where some soldiers and their commander had paid the supreme price in the hands of the insurgents. He urged them to remain focused and remained committed to ensuring that the task is achieved.
Addressing military top brass at the Conference, Buhari said: “I will be visiting some of our injured troops in hospitals and also talk to others at their bases to assure them of our continued support. It is a must win war, I want to encourage our troops not to be distracted by whatever speculations but to remain focused and committed to the task of eliminating Boko Haram from the face of earth.”
Buhari, who admitted that the war on the insurgents suffered some lows recently, said: “One of the cardinal objectives of this government is security. In this regard, the Nigerian Army’s efforts have led to the dislodgement of insurgents from areas hitherto viewed as their strongholds, rescue of abducted persons, return of Internally Displaced Persons and the gradual return to normalcy in the North East.
“The effort of the military has also stabilized the security situation in the Niger Delta and other parts of the country and curtailed the clashes between herdsmen and farmers.”
He said: “I must commend the selfless sacrifices of our Armed Forces especially the heroic officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army who by virtue of their commitment to operations all over the country have brought about the desired peace.”
He also told the officers that: “I know that you are doing your best to reverse this trend and I want to assure you that no effort will be spared in providing the necessary support you require to complete the task. We remain committed to ending the crisis in the North East and making the entire area safe for all. I urge you all to keep up the good work.”
He said: “The officers and soldiers who are fighting against the curse of terrorism in the North East deserve all the attention our country’s leadership can demonstrate to them.
“As President of the country, I am determined to ensure that every citizen feels safe and secure in all parts of the country. To achieve this, the security agencies must rise to the challenge and curb threats to security in our country.”
He said: “The Armed Forces play a critical role in safeguarding the country, hence you must all ensure that your plans and programmes meet the challenges we face,” stressing that: “To this end, I am glad that this conference is holding at this time, because it serves as a platform to assess and evaluate your performance for the Year 2018.”
The president who admitted that: “There has been a remarkable improvement in the security situation in the North East since 2015 when this administration came into government and you are a major part of the successes that have been achieved, noted that he was “aware that in the recent months and in recent days there have been some operational losses in the Northern part of Borno State, particularly in Jilli, Arege and Metele.”
The President who held a minute silence for soldiers recently killed by insurgents in Metele, encouraged them, saying, “I know that you are doing your best to reverse this trend and I want to assure you that no effort will be spared in providing the necessary support you require to complete the task. We remain committed to ending the crisis in the North East and making the entire area safe for all. I urge you all to keep up the good work.”
He said: “I am also painfully aware that some gallant officers and soldiers have paid the supreme price in the course of these anti-terrorist operations. While we remember them and mourn with their loved ones, I must also convey the deep gratitude of the Government and people of Nigeria to the late soldiers and their families for their heroic sacrifices. Our thoughts and prayers are also with all other victims of Boko Haram’s atrocities and their families.
He praised the Nigerian Army’s commitment to upholding democracy has appropriately captured in the theme of the conference, “Optimizing the Operational Efficiency of the Nigerian Army Towards Safeguarding Democracy and National Security in Nigeria”.
He told them that: “As we approach the 2019 General Elections, I want to urge all members of the Armed Forces to live up to their responsibilities and remain non-partisan. In addition, you must all remain vigilant throughout the electioneering period and alongside other security agencies, prevent every form of violence that could disrupt the process in line with your Rules of Engagement.
Speaking at the conference, the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai said the conference was moved from Benin to Maiduguri because of recent happenings and because of the desire of the Commander in Chief to personally be with the soldiers to see them and to show that they were in his plan.
He said there are potent threats that make us to review our security measures.
The Punch can report that all the major roads in the town were not closed and motorists were diverted from the major highways as early as 7am, making many school students who were taking their examinations get late to school.
Many were compelled to take a long walk and some students were directly to line the highways under the heavy sun to wave at the president.

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