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Adeboye’s advice to his ‘son’ to sack female secretary spark Tweeter storm


Pastor-Enoch-Adejare Adeboye

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, on Wednesday advised couples to be faithful with their partners.

Adeboye made this statement via his twitter handle @ PastorEAAdeboye, where he shared some of his thoughts.

He said couples should try not to place anything before their families, making their families second.

“One of my sons once told me that he was always excited to resume in his office every Monday because he would get to see his secretary again.

“I told him to fire her immediately. Nothing and no one is worth your marriage.


“What is a married woman doing on the phone with another man for countless minutes? Why will a married man be spending so much time with another man’s wife?

“Why would you prefer to discuss intimate issues with your “friend” of the opposite sex instead of your God-given spouse?

“You may say “I am not doing anything with the fellow; we are just friends.” That is exactly where it starts from. The devil knows you are a Christian and would not fall for someone just like that.

However, some users kicked against the advise, saying it was extreme, while some others supported him.

Kelechi +_@igwilo responded saying; “Pastor Adeboye; I heard what you said and I know what you meant. Yet! Sacking that lady from her position doesn’t stop him from going after her if he wants something more from her”.

@tweeetbro said “I don’t know why you guys are finding faults with Pastor Adeboye’s tweet. My Bible said, if your prick will lead you to sin, cut if off 😂😂😂

“No one should be closer to you or know more about you than your spouse.

“If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”

“Pastor Adeboye, an innocent woman (who might have people depending on her) lost her job, at your command, because your son couldn’t control himself and you are proud to tell us? Why?

@Adunni_Achebe, Did u just say that u told ur son to fire an innocent lady for no fault of hers, but simply out of fear that Adeboye jnr won’t be able to control his penis?

Not transfer her to another department but to fire her???

U can’t see anything wrong with this?…hian, man of god?(NAN)

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