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Agunbiade donates medical equipments to general hospital in Ikorodu

…laud CMD’s resourcefulness

The Majority Leader, Lagos State House of Assembly and Opomulero of Ikorodu Kingdom, Hon. (Chief) Sanai Agunbiade,impressed by the quality of healthcare afforded in General Hospital, Ikorodu under the watch of the Medical Director/Chief Executive Officer (MD/CEO), Dr Taiwo Kamorudeen Hassan, the management committee and entire staff has donated medical equipments to further aid their functionality.
Agunbiade, who paid a visit to the medical facility with members of his operational group, Onward Movement of Nigeria, on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, donated ten hospital beds and ten mattresses to the hospital.
The lawmaker, who also toured the hospital to see the state of the facilities, said that the donation will not be a one – off exercise.
“The Medical Director is a very young, smart and marketable man and it is because of his marketability that I am here today. I want to appreciate the synergy between the Medical Director, Deputy Medical Director and the entire management team”, Hon. Agunbiade said.
“I am close to my constituents and passionate about Ikorodu which is my cradle, so, from my childhood, I have been participating in community development.
“I know that it is best that you interact with your community. When people go to the poll to vote, they put all their trusts and expectations into their votes expecting that when you win the election, you will reciprocate and return what they have given through the ballots.
I am here today, to appreciate Dr Taiwo Kamorudeen Hassan for the good job that he and his team have been doing.
“How did l know that Dr Hassan has brought a new wave of development into the General Hospital, Ikorodu. Before his coming into the General Hospital, Ikorodu, you could hardly locate where the hospital is, because there was no significant landmark to show that such a hospital is located here”, he said.
“Today, you cannot miss the hospital, even if you don’t have any business in the hospital, you cannot drive by without taking cognizance of the hospital’s location.
“So, the new development is a life – saving, creating awareness and consciousness of the public that this is where lives are being saved. I noticed that and I concluded that this man must be wonderful.
“I can see that the hospital, under the present management headed by Dr Taiwo Hassan, is doing well. I am here to appreciate and commend them so that they can keep the good work going”.
He said that there had been many occasions that he had to call the MD, dead in the night concerning medical intervention for his constituents and he would always pick his calls and resolves those issues.
Hon. Agunbiade also said that members of his Onward Movement have been visiting the hospital to get people’s views on the services being rendered and returned a good verdict on the hospital’s performances.
“He has also increased and improved on the hospital’s public relationship in Ikorodu to the extent that members of the public now have tremendous hope and trust in this hospital.
Dr Hassan has not disappointed us since he has been here. Renovation and innovation have taken place. The hospital is taking health care to the zenith. I pray that God will lead you into achieving that because achieving that will be for the good of the public”.
The Opomulero of Ikorodu also stated that his visit to the hospital was to see challenges facing the facility and know where to come in to assist.
“I am also here to know what your challenges are so that I can meet with Dr Eniayewun, who is another man that is so passionate about Ikorodu, as well as Prof. Akin Abayomi, and discuss with them what we still require in General Hospital, Ikorodu.
“Also, the Governor too, so that I can be in good position to tell him that I visited the General Hospital and tell him that I witnessed wonderful infrastructural development and how managerial strategy and competence have assisted the hospital, and also let him know the areas that we are still in need”, Agunbiade said.
The Medical Director/Chief Executive Officer, General Hospital, Ikorodu, Dr Taiwo Hassan, in his remarks, commended the lawmaker for not just visiting to commend them but at same time donating medical equipment to the hospital.
“On behalf of the hospital management, entire staff and myself, the Medical Director/Chief Executive Officer, I say a big thank you sir. This is coming at a very good time”, Dr Hassan said.
“I say thank you to the Majority Leader for finding the time and money to come and donate ten beds with ten mattresses. These will definitely go a long way”.
While explaining his plans for the hospital, which is to eventually turn it into a teaching hospital, Dr Hassan also highlighted his achievements in the 19 months of his leadership.
“General Hospital, Ikorodu, is a 286 – bed facility. Our dream is to see that this hospital becomes a teaching, reference and specialist hospital, so that, if any of us falls ills or involves in an accident, we will be comfortable to say take him to the General Hospital, Ikorodu, and be sure that they will do the right thing”, the hardworking medical executive said.
“My prayer is that the Ayangbure, the Governor, can come to access our facilities and be comfortable with them, with the belief that they would be the best in terms of services.
“I have been here for a year and seven months and as a team, we have been able to do some good things because I have the best and very supportive management .
“We have been able to create a conference room which is the place that we are using now by moving the Medical Director’s office away from here.
“We have also reorganized the General Patient Department and made it patient friendly with improved ambience.
“We have also adopted the electronic medical records. We don’t deal with papers here anymore, you come in with your EMR card. It is with the access card that you can access medical services here. It is the first of its kind”, he added.
“We have improved on the frontage of the hospital which the Majority Leader has acknowledged. Through this, we try to improve the external appearance of the hospital.”
While listing the achievements by his administration towards turning around the hospital, Dr Hassan thanked the governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo – Olu, the Commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi and three Permanent Secretaries in the ministry for their support.
The Accident and Emergency section of the hospital has also been upgraded. We have equally renovated the orthopaedic department with state of the art facilities”, he stated further.
“Our Physiotherapy department is the best of all the General Hospitals in Lagos State. Apart from that of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, which is a teaching hospital, ours is the best.
“Our dental department is one of its kind. When I came into this hospital, I met two dental chairs but today, there are five and the place has been renovated and improved upon.
“We found out that patients are finding it difficult to get to the Maternal and Child care session whenever it is raining or sunny, as a result, we extended the walk –way and covered it.
“The Post Natal Ward 2 has also been renovated. This used to be a place where nobody wanted to be delivered of their babies before but now, it is called the London of General Hospital, Ikorodu.
We have also renovated the male and female wards and we have also discontinued the use of the wheel chairs when a patient is very sick. We felt that it is not okay putting an unconscious patient on a wheel chair to be wheeled across the wards”, he said.
“I cannot continue to roll out all that we have done but they are great strides. We have about 30 projects that we have done since we came into this hospital”, he said.
He thanked the Governor for approving the deployment of more doctors to the hospital.

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