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Airtel Africa posts 21.7% growth in revenue in nine months

CEO Airtel-Africa Mr. Segun-Ogunsanya

Published By News Editor

Telecommunications giant Airtel Africa Plc has recorded a 21.7 percent growth in revenue in the nine months period ended December 31, 2021 across all regions of its operation.

The Chief Executive Officer of Airtel Africa Plc, Segun Ogunsanya who gave the breakdown on Friday said the telecommunication giant recorded strong growth across all key metrics of its operations with even stronger projections to further unlock mobile money opportunities in the year.

Currency underlying revenue for instance according to Ogunsanya, grew by 24.8 per cent, with constant growth recorded across all regions. Nigeria was up by 29.0 per cent, East Africa up by 24.4 percent, and Francophone Africa up by 19.0 per cent, and across all key services with revenue in voice up by 16.1 and in data and mobile money up by 37.2 per cent.

Underlying EBITDA was $1,703m, growing by 31.3 per cent in reported currency with an EBITDA margin of 48.8 per cent, an increase of 326 basis points led by both revenue growth and improved operational efficiencies.

Operating profit grew by 43.1 per cent to $1,146m in reported currency.

Profit after tax almost doubled to $514m as higher profit before tax more than offset associated tax charges.

Basic EPS was 11.7 cents, an increase of 113.8 per cent, largely as a result of higher profit. EPS before exceptional items increased to 11.5 cents, up from 5.0 cents in the previous period.

Operating free cash flow grew by 42.2 per cent to $1,271m and net cash generated from operating activities was up 23.1 per cent to $1,499m.

Leverage ratio improved to 1.4x from 2.1x in the previous period. And the customer base expanded to 125.8 million, growing by 5.8 per cent, with increased penetration across mobile data (customer base up 11.1 per cent) and mobile money services (customer base up 19.6 per cent). Customer base growth was affected by the NIN/SIM regulations in Nigeria but returned to growth in this region in the third quarter; excluding Nigeria the customer base grew by 12.0 per cent.

Ogunsanya said a strong third quarter has contributed to a pleasing nine-month financial performance across all key metrics.

Operationally we have continued to execute on our network and distribution expansion plans, driving continued strong growth in ARPUs across voice, data and mobile money. We have also seen further improvement in our customer growth trends for the Group with Nigeria returning to strong customer growth after a period affected by the implementation of new ‘know your customer’ requirements, posting 1.9 million net additions in the third quarter, taking total Group customer additions to 3.1 million.

I am particularly pleased with developments in Nigeria, where in November we received approval in principle for both a payment service bank (mobile money) licence and a super-agent licence. We are now working closely with the Central Bank to meet all its conditions to receive the final operating licences and commence operations. This will enable us to expand our digital financial products and reach the millions of Nigerians that do not have access to traditional financial services.

We continued to strengthen our balance sheet, with our leverage ratio now 1.4 times underlying EBITDA, thanks both to continued increases in operating cash flow delivery and to over $550m of cash that has now been received from minority investments into our mobile money business.

We will continue to invest in expanding and evolving our platform to further deepen both financial and digital inclusion across Africa. I continue to see huge growth potential across voice, data and mobile money and our strategy is delivering against this opportunity. Our sustained investments in both network and distribution expansion will help to ensure that both the communities and economies across our footprint will continue to benefit from increased and affordable connectivity and financial inclusion. We are committed to continue to improve the delivery of our services to our customers, with sustainability at the heart of our continued purpose to transform lives across Africa.”

Airtel Africa plc (‘Airtel Africa’ or ‘Group’) results for nine-month period ended 31 December 2021 are unaudited and in the opinion of management, include all adjustments necessary for the fair presentation of the results of the same period. The financial information has been prepared based on International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) approved for use in the UK by the UK Accounting Standards Endorsement Board (UKEB) and apply the same accounting policies, presentation and methods of calculation as those followed in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 except to the extent required/ prescribed by IAS 34. This report should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and related notes for the year ended 31 March 2021. Comparative annual information has been drawn based on Airtel Africa plc’s Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2021; with quarterly and nine-month period information drawn from the unaudited IAS 34 financials of the respective periods. All comparatives and references to the ‘prior period’ or ‘previous period’ in this report are for the reported metrics for the nine-month period ended 31 December 2020 unless otherwise stated.

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