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Anglican Primate to new ACNNTV board: Use media space to spread gospel

Prinate Ndukuba (in priestly robe), with members of the board of the Advent Cable TV

The Archbishop Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria Most Rev Henry Ndukuba has charged the new reconstituted Board of Management of Advent Cable Network Nigeria Television ACNNTV to use the media space to propagate the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ to the nooks and crannies of Nigeria and to the outside world.

ACNNTV is the Television station owned by the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion.

Inaugurating the 12- man membership On Thursday the 4 March 2021 at the Mathias House Gudu, Abuja in the office of the Primate Ndukuba prayed for Grace and wisdom for the Chairman and members of the board for a spiritual renewal of their mandate.

He said in his short homily that  he saw the ACNNTV as the herald agent for the dissemination of the undiluted word of God to all Christian faithful.

Primate Ndukuba  reminding members of their roles as recorded in Romans 10 verses 14-16 said: ”You are been sent to go and preach the word to the world,asking them to be people of goodwill who would live at peace with each other and make peace between God and men and the world around men”

Primate Ndukuba wished the board and management  successful tenure reminding them to always present properly the stand of the Church on issues “that concern the society.”

He said he had observed with satisfaction how ACNNTV had been living up to its responsibilities since it was established.

While presenting the old and the new members to the Primate the Chairman of the board Sir Folu Olamiti sincerely expressed his appreciation to the Primate for retaining the old members and added new ones saying : ” It is a re assurance that your Grace is satisfied with our performances, loyalty and commitment so far as to the assignment placed in our hands”.

He therefore pledged on behalf of members that they would carry out their responsibilities with “utmost loyalty to justify the confidence you have reposed in us”

Other members of the board are: Rt.Rev. Dr Blessing Enyinda Vice Chairman, Ven. Hassan John, Director for Communication and Secretary,Mrs Ritmwa Iwoh Assistant Secretary, Rt. Rev. Dr.Chidi Oparaojiaku, Ven. Dr Dade Sadare, Dr Peter Nmadu, Mr Timothy Akinyeye, Mrs Joy Mbachi, Mrs Bisi Amagada, Mr Olarewaju Lasisi and General Manager Akintunde Korede.

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