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AUATON suspends Secretary

The Central Working Committee of the Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON) has suspended the general secretary of the union Comrade Ayoade Ibrahim for gross violation of the union’s constitution and abdication of responsibilities.

The suspension followed a motion moved by the National Auditor Comrade Fred Aleburu, which was seconded by the National Ex-Officio, Joseph Adaraniwon, which was supported by two-third of eligible members present at the meeting.

Aleburu alleged that the embattled General Secretary had grossly abused his office and had on several occasion acted in flagrant disobedience of the constitutional provisions of the union. “In reality, this will be the first time in the history of trade unionism that a General Secretary of a union will choose to consistently abuse power and rule over the majority of the CWC resolution as an individual, over the past nine months, General Secretary Ayoade has presented several administrative challenges to the union despite the constitutional provisions that spelled out the responsibility of a General Secretary, raised false alarm, conspiracy and the threat of division, Aleburu who is also the  Chairman Committee on Action, Protocol, Investigations, Policy and Security of AUATON stated.

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