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Brother and sister get married after 10years of legal battle in court

Brother and sister, James and Victoria Banes can now legally marry

New Jersey siblings ( a brother and sister) have won the right to marry after a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States.

According to local reporters, in a 5-to-4 ruling, five judges unanimously granted the appeal by James Banes, 41, and Victoria Banes, 38, to get married after a ten-year long battles in court.

The over-joyed pair said they did it for the millions of Americans who have consensual incestuous relationships and are living in fear, hence, blasted the Government for wasting taxpayers’ money fighting their challenge for ten years.

“Incest has been practiced by humans since the dawn of time. If Adam and Eve hadn’t done it, the human race would not be here today.” James Banes told local reporters after his historic victory.

The Banes family lawyer, Julianne Grey, argued that criminalizing incestuous marriage while first-cousin marriage was legal in the state of New Jersey, was a nonsensical and discriminatory measure.

“Why am I allowed to bang my cousin but not my sister? It just doesn’t make any sense,” James Banes criticized outside of court.

The couple that was facing up to 15 years in jail said that they were now planning to start a large family and enjoy their newly found freedom.

“We’ve always dreamt of having a big family, now this dream will become a reality.” added Victoria Banes, who also told reporters she is pregnant and expecting twins.

Previously, New Jersey state, laws only allowed first-cousin marriages but since the landmark ruling, New Jersey is now the only state in the country or the world to allow incestuous marriages.

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