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Carveton Pilots: NANTA commends call for peaceful resolution.


By Cliffsimeon Akalonu

The National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies (NANTA), has praised the ongoing efforts by the federal government to meet with Rivers State government to find amicable settlement to free detained pilots of carveton Helicopters.

The association is pleased to know that pilots were not taken to conventional correction centers but held at River State government owned hotel.

The President of the Private Sector Travel Trade Group, Susan Akporiaye, disclosed that the pressures and fear of the uncommon times the nation finds itself  must have led to the unfortunate event.

She said “I’m impressed by maturity, patience and recourse to peaceful resolution by the federal government and in same breath appreciate the Rivers State government for taking care of the pilots in a hotel instead  of the confines of dreaded correctional facility.

NANTA President further appealed to River State government to let go of the pilots to enable them spend the Easter holidays with their families, pending the conclusion of other aspects of the peace process.

“This uncommon times have put everyone including our leaders on edge”. 

We have not seen this type of pandemic in our lifetime and it can be understood that pressure driven mistakes can occur, so we urge restraint in this time of celebration of  symbolic rising of Christ from death.

We must forgive ourselves and free our pilots on the Frontline of national economic growth. 

Rivers State is part of Nigeria and the pilots are Nigerians. She explained.

On the alleged harassment of Nigerians resident in China over covid 19, NANTA President, frowned at the situation and wondered what the Chinese are up to.

“It’s like someone wants to change the covid 19 story and pass it off as a Nigerian problem. It’s funny that a Chinese disease is now made to look as if it was imported from Nigeria instead of China.

She added that NANTA is studying the situation and  urge the Federal Government to quickly intervene. 

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