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China advises Nigeria to develop indigenous political system

By Olukayode Idowu

The People’s Republic of China has advised Nigeria to develop an indigenous political system that will work for her.

Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun gave the advice on Wednesday, in Abuja when he played host to top political party officials of the 18 registered political parties in the country, during a roundtable seminar organised by the Chinese Embassy to learn from the organisation of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Jianchun said not because a political system is working in China or elsewhere you think it will work in your country too.

“A people must have an indigenous political system that takes care of their peculiarity and culture.

“How do we find a Nigerian way? Not a Chinese way, not the USA way, not the European way; how can we pave the way for Nigeria to evolve its own political culture?

“I cannot say this system will work but the political parties must come together to develop a political system that will involve the people’s culture  for it to work,” he advised.

According to him, “Party is about platform, it’s about people, it’s about policies.”

The National Chairman,  Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), Yabagi Yusuf Sani, in his remarks, said, “The Inter-Party Advisory Council, IPAC, is always anxious to explore every opportunity of friendship and cooperation with the Communist Party of China, CPC because, we in the leadership of IPAC see in the experience and trajectory of the CPC, cogent historical lessons that can be learned and applied in Nigeria, to advance the course of the role of political parties in galvanizing democracy, good governance and progress of a people.

“For example, political parties in Nigeria and elsewhere in the developing countries in the world, can learn from the way the Chinese Communist Party has succeeded in managing a multiparty system through cooperation and collaboration towards the construction of a vibrant and harmonious heterogeneous nation state There is certainly, a lot that we can borrow from the approach and model used by the CPC to marshal, integrate and transform the resources and a huge population from an agrarian and a backward country to a leading economic and technological giant in the world, within an unprecedented period of sixty years.”

He also spoke on the China/Nigerian relationship, saying: “With a huge population and the country with the largest number of people of the Black race, the size of its economy and its history in Africa, Nigeria is at once, a continental leader as well a key player in the contemporary theatre of diplomacy and politics of the world. Similarly, China, on the basis of a large population, which is a quarter of the whole of the world, its sprawling, gigantic economy and technological advancement, is a leader in the Asian continent as it is also, a powerful force to reckon with in the comity of nations. Nigeria and China are therefore, expected to substantially share in the responsibility of playing strategic roles in the promotion of continental and global peace, stability, security and prosperity.”

“The Nigerian Inter Party Advisory Council, IPAC believes in the continuation and strengthening the bonds of mutually beneficial bilateral relationship that has been existing between Nigeria and China. At a point when events playing out on the international sceney are clearly indicating that the world is on the verge of transformation in the configuration of alliances political and economic relations between nations, it behoves on the Communistic Party of China to remain steadfast and faithful to the friendship and cooperation fostered and enduring over the years.” He added

The Minister of International Department CPC Central Committee, Song Tao who joined virtually, said, “We are going to tackle the issue of absolute poverty because we share a common future. We also want to share economic, military, political social experiences with Nigeria. China in Africa is committed to a shared future.” He said

The National Chairman of the Social Democratic Party PDP, Shehu Gabam appreciated the idea of Jianchun that party leaders will be taken to China to study the operations of the CPC. Other participants welcomed the seminar and called on the Embassy to sustain it.

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