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Civil servants urged to guard against retirement challenges

By Our Correspondent

A call has gone to Civil Servants in Ogun State to make adequate preparation to guard against possible challenges of retirement in post service life, while still in active service, as retirement benefits may take years in getting to them.

Chairman, Civil Service Commission, Alhaji Surajudeen Olusesi made the call at the second edition of the year 2019 quarterly in-house training, with the theme, “Groundwork to Retirement: Prospect and Planning for Post Service Life”, held in Abeokuta. 

Olusesi maintained that, most Civil Servants, often times made the mistake of planning for retirements at the tail end of their active service year, which may result into unwanted situations such as; loneliness, aging, bedridden ailments and premature death, shortly after retirement. 

He said workers must alley the fear and apprehension of retirement by putting in place, proper planning and implementation of such plan, which he listed to include having a house of your own, engage in active savings, develop a business plan and avoid unfamiliar venture, participate in community and religious activities, so as to have a blissful retirement, adding that retirement from service is a must. 

The guest lecturer and a retired Permanent Secretary in the State, Alh. Adekunle Adegbite, in his presentation, described retirement as a process of withdrawing from one occupation or acting working life, stating that it was the period when one is separated from service permanently and sustain on his own. 

Adegbite noted that workers should be conversant with their ages, length of service and grade levels to retire from service, which are attaining the age of 60 or 35 years in active service. 

He therefore highlighted the following reasons for proper planning of post service years to include avoidance of uncertainty and insecurity to safeguard future, maintain minimum and acceptable standard of living. 

A participant, from Bureau of State Pension, Mr. Kayode Ogun, said the training was an added advantage for workers, while urging the organisers to bring up more contemporary issues that concerns Civil Servants, to further educate, motivate and encourage high level of productivity.

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