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CNS leads other officers to pay Koshoni last respect

A Naval parade

The Chief of Naval Staff {CNS} on Wednesday led other Naval officers and personnel, both serving and retired, to pay their last respect  to a former Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), the late Vice Admiral Patrick Koshoni.

Koshoni who was born on April 17, 1943, died on Jan. 25, 2020.

The lying-in-state for the former CNS began at 10 a.m., with a parade to signal the arrival of the remains of the deceased.

The lying-in-state was held at the NNS QUORRA parade ground where naval officers paid their last traditional respect to the former CNS.

Cdr Robert Oparaji, the Director of Chaplain Service, Nigerian Navy, led the opening hymn, ‘Abide with me’ as well as said the opening and the closing prayers.

After the ceremonial salutes, the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Adm. Ibok Ete-Ibas, led other top naval officers to pay their last respect.

They were followed by the family members and other dignitaries, including retired naval officers and ratings.

As a sign of respect to the deceased all those who attended the event did not leave the ground until the casket bearing the remains of Koshoni had been taken away from the parade ground. 

Rear Adm. Kehinde Komolafe, the Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to the late Koshoni, in a tribute described his former boss as a peaceful and simple man.

“Indeed, the late Admiral was a very peaceful man. Everywhere he was, you would see that he was peaceful. I cannot really tell how he did it, but he was a man of peace.

“That was his style of leadership, simple and peaceful and that was how he conducted himself throughout his tenure as CNS, ” Komolafe said.

He urged the younger generation of officers to take a cue from the lifestyle of the late CNS.

“The younger generation can learn a lot from his lifestyle because he was a professional to the core; he knew the job and his responsibilities.

“He was committed to his job; the only goal just for a better service, no other ulterior motive, just to make sure that the service is put on right footings.

“I think the young ones can learn from this,” he said.

Retired Navy Capt. Adebayo Adekoya also said that the late Koshoni was an encyclopedia and a prolific writer, saying that he was an example worthy of emulation. 

Adekoya said that the late CNS had left his footprints on the sands of time.

“He was an example worthy of emulation in all ramifications. He has left his indelible footprints on the sands of time which cannot be obliterated.

“And most importantly, he was absolutely and completely detribalised,” he said.

NAN also reports that Koshoni was the Minister of Health from December 1983 to August 1985. He was also the Minister of Employment, Labour and Productivity from 1985 to 1986. 

He was appointed the CNS in October 1986 and served until January 1990.(NAN)

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