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Congress threatens to impeach Trump after savage attacks, sabotage on US democracy

Donald Trump

Trump recants, pledges peaceful transition on January 20

The next 13 days appears shaky for the United States President Donald Trump as he faces the threat of impeachment after sparking a civil insurrection that almost pulled down American democracy on Wednesday.

The move is being led by House of Representatives member, Ilhan Omar.

Omar’s action set the tone for many who had openly wondered whether Trump would go scot-free after n action that put the American state to global disrepute on Wednesday.

Many have also openly wondered whether his continued stay in power would not jeopadise the march towards peaceful handing over and what the next 13 days actually have in store for the United States.

But Iihan Omar revealed she was drawing up articles of impeachment against Trump that would see him ejected from office. The development comes after masses of angry pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC on Wednesday.

‘‘I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the United States Senate.

‘‘We can’t allow him to remain in office. It’s a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath,” the Democratic congresswoman wrote on Twitter.

Hundreds of demonstrators had breached security and scaled the steps of the building where lawmakers were due to certify president-elect Joe Biden’s win in the November election.

Hours earlier, Trump riled up his supporters repeating baseless allegations of election fraud. Further, he had encouraged them to march to the Capitol.

Consequently, the Senate and House of Representatives were forced to abruptly call off their sessions. They had been debating Republican challenges to results in states that Biden won; as the building went into lockdown.

However, Congress reconvened in the evening; with senators from both sides of the aisle condemning the violence and vowing to complete the certification process.

Meanwhile, Facebook blocked President Trump from posting on the site for 24 hours, the company said Wednesday evening.

The decision comes after the company already removed posts; ones he made in support of the pro-Trump mob that attacked the US Capitol on Wednesday. Also, Twitter restricted Trump on its platform, locking his account for 12 hours; after removing three tweets that the company said were “severe violations” of its policies.

Meanwhile, President Trump has accepted defeat and pledged to transfer power to President-elect Joe Biden in an orderly manner.

This is coming after Congress officially certified Biden as winner of the U.S. 2020 presidential election.

In a statement President Trump, following the electoral certification, said even though he disagrees with the outcome of the election, he would hand over power in an orderly manner.

The statement released by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino, quoted Trump as saying: “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.

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