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Delta Security Trust Fund in Lagos to understudy LSSTF

LSSTF ES/CEO Dr Balogun presenting a plaque to DSSTF ES/CEO Barr. Sam Osasa. With them is DSSTF Chairman Barr. Daniel Mayuku.

A team from the Delta State Security Trust Fund (DSSTF) are on a working visit to the Lagos State Security Trust Fund (LSSTF), to understudy the activities of the Fund with a view to equipping themselves with requisite knowledge on how to run DSSTF effectively and successfully as the Fund has done in Lagos State.

As the foremost and most successful Security Trust Fund in the country, it was no wonder the team comprising of the Chairman and Board members, the Executive Secretary and management staff of DSSTF paid a visit to LSSTF to learn firsthand from the pioneer.

The Fund put together onsite training sessions on modalities for operating an effective Trust Fund and also arranged visitations to some of the beneficiaries of the Fund, a tour of a world-class, indigenous security equipment manufacturing company and a farewell dinner on the last day of their visit. 

It was noted that LSSTF has remained relevant and impactful, even after 17yrs of existence and its activities has resulted in Lagos being perceived as the safest city in Nigeria.  The success recorded by the Fund has made other Trust Funds seek to understudy it.

Dr. Abdurrazaq Balogun, the Executive Secretary, as part of his welcome address expressed hope that the purpose of the working visit by the team from DSSTF would be achieved and replicated in their state. He stated that strongest feature and mainstay of the Fund is in its accountability and judicious use of resources both in its operations and security interventions to security agencies.  It places major focus on maintenance and that’s why its assets remain functional lasting up to 12years and more.

The LSSTF deliberately operates a lean workforce so as to ensure that the bulk of resources raised are targeted at security support to these agencies. The Fund also lays emphasis on training and retraining of security agencies especially in areas of communication and how to deal with members of the public.

Another strong point and reason for the success recorded by the Fund was in the caliber of individuals appointed by the Governor of the State into the Board of Trustees of the Fund. They have been men of high repute who are accomplished in the private endeavours, influential and see the job as an opportunity to give back to the State.  These individuals are the fundraisers as they leverage on their position and industry to reach out to other colleagues and partners to raise funds to sustain the activities of LSSTF.

Subsequently the LSSTF management, led by the Executive Secretary, took the DSSTF delegation on a visit to the Lagos Neighborhood Safety Agency (LNSA) and also to the Equipment and Protective Applications International Limited (EPAIL) on a tour of the company’s factory and its operations.

There was a presentation ceremony organised to round up the working visit by the delegation from DSSTF including Certificates of Attendance, plaque presentations and photo sessions.  A farewell dinner was also hosted by the Fund.

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