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Entrepreneur: Council Chief doles out N10m start-up grants to residents

Mr. Johnson Babatunde,the Executive Chairman of Orile Agege LCDA has disclosed that deliberate financial intervention targeted at bolstering the means of livelihood of the people, remains the only way out of the economic hardship confronting the nation.

The experienced council boss added that if items like grinding machines and many more,were given to people it could be sold for money but if people with credible sources of livelihood are empowered with seed capital for their businesses the society will function properly.
Babatunde made this assertion on Thursday while empowering 100 residents of Orile Agege LCDA with N10 million .

Babatunde, while presenting cheques of N100,000 to vulnerable residents, widows and widowers to make of them self reliant individuals through the trades they do create wealth, counseled them against expending the monies on frivolities.

The Council Chief, disclosed that his administration had to pend certain financial commitments just to ensure the standard of living is improved amongst residents of the community, adding that his love for the poor drove him into the act of lifting many off the poverty barrier.

“We just doled out N10 million to our people to start a business to better their livelihood. We want to better the lot of the people.

“This is a promise that is being fulfilled today. It is a promise that is dear to my heart.

“We have to do it to better their lives. I don’t know many of them from Adams but I am touched by their struggles,” Babatunde said.

The council boss, who noted that beneficiaries’ selection was not political, said he met some of the traders and artisans in the cause of their struggles, adding that when peoples means of livelihood improved, self reliance is increased and a better society is the end result.

He said that the beneficiaries cut across indigent market men and women, artisans, youths, Igbo and hausa community, physically- challenged people among others.

“I met some of them in the course of their daily moves to make ends meet with the little in their hands,so we call them to raise their finances in the trade they do, since God can only bless ones handiwork. You have to get something doing.

“It is not about favouritism. It is about helping people. We are not doing it to boost our ego or politics, we just want to touch lives and better the society.

“It gives me joy to give these people money to improve their petty trades,” he added.

Babatunde citing his past experiences as an example for others to emulate, stressed that it is always good to get something doing, charging beneficiaries not to waste the funds on frivolities but rather invest it in a profitable business that sustain them.

Mr. Adedara Olubayode a resident in the community, commend the kind gesture of the Chairman citing the fact that it is unprecedented .
“I feel great, I am very happy for the kind gesture extended to me by the executive Chairman of Orile Agege LCDA Hon. Sunday Johnson Babatunde.
“What the chairman has done is an unprecedented gesture to the people, why? Because he is a man of God who has the fear of God and with that anything he does will prosper.

“We used to call him ‘Mr.Projects’ for having embarked on series of unexpected projects in this environment. Our prayer is that God should give him strength to do more and attain greater heights.

Mrs Oladele Kehinde Chairperson of Persons With Disabilities (PWD) in Orile Agege LCDA who also made the list of beneficiaries, while appreciating the large heart of the council boss, notes that he is a promise keeper.

“ I am so elated because he promised us at PWD that whatever he does he would always include us and his inclusiveness has been wonderful since then. He runs an open door policy and having made the promise he has not reneged once.
Miss Abdulhakeem Noimot Olaide an activist and a trained fashion designer, one of the beneficiaries speak about her intentions after been empowered.

“I just finished learning tailoring last year so with the empowerment I will be able to buy a sewing machine and also help my mother with the remaining balance.”
Standing in for Mrs. Abiola Osinsanya the head of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA) in the council, Mrs. Doyinsola Segun-Obalemo notes that empowerment scheme in the locality comes in phases and is targeted eradicating poverty amongst the people.
“We empowered 50 people recently but today we are empowering 100 people, aside that we have widows whom we reach out to, giving them food items on a monthly basis.

“The empowerment cuts across every sector in the local government, not minding the category you belong we make sure we spread it out.
“We want to advise that the beneficiaries utilise the money very well, doing things that will actually give them turnovers to be able to stay in business.
“We don’t want a situation whereby in six weeks time they are back to us for another empowerment, because we have a lot of people on the list so once we have empowered you, it is assumed we are done with you then we will concentrate on others yet to be captured.

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