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Experts debunk COVID-19 misinformation in Nigeria

SUNRISE NEWS, Abuja, August 12, 2020 Public health experts have debunked COVID-19 misinformation in Nigeria.

Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Nigeria, there has been an overwhelming amount of information on social media, websites and main stream media about the virus.The increased access to information has led to a proliferation in sources of information, with the consequence that it has enabled the spread of misinformation and fake news.Through a project supported by Meedan and launched in June 2020, Nigeria Health Watch counters misinformation and fake COVID-19 in Nigeria. Nigeria Health Watch leverages on Meedan’s team of public health experts who fact-check health rumours, responding and debunking them. The evolving nature of information about the virus has created a vacuum that is being filled with many unknowns, as a result leaving people vulnerable to misinformation and disinformation.Nigeria Health Watch uses social and traditional media to disseminate the debunked misinformation in an engaging and informative approach. This is done by producing multimedia messages to reach different target audiences and especially communities at the grassroots. The platform that Nigeria Health Watch provides is important because it provides feedback for the rumours that are circulating around COVID-19. Meedan’s experts have debunked several common rumours, and pieces of misinformation on COVID-19. This includes the myth that malaria and COVID-19 are the same. This is particularly important as malaria cases peak at this period in Nigeria and both diseases have similar symptomsbut havedifferentmodes of transmission and a misdiagnosis could haveserious repercussions, harming people’s lives. Other rumoursthat have beendebunked includethe potential forCOVID-19 reinfection, drinking of alcohol to prevent COVID-19andwearing of gloves to protect against COVID-19.“Through Meedan’s public health experts, Nigeria Health Watch is filling the misinformation gap in Nigeria by debunking COVID-19 rumours in a timely manner. For Nigerians to stay safe andprotect themselves fromCOVID-19, they need to be accurately informed,”said Vivianne Ihekweazu, Managing Director at Nigeria Health Watch.

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