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Five Green Flags To Look For In Your New Or Existing Relationship

Every relationship comes with their share of baggage; the good, the bad and the ugly! In other words we can say they come in the three traffic lights, the red flags, the yellow flags and the green flags! We all wish to have enough green flags to carry other flags that most times are not detrimental to the survival of the relationship, in our new book “Are You The Red Flag?” We shared a dozen green flags. But here are just five of them. If they’re all there, relax and go with the flow. If they’re not… think again!
First, to find out if you or your partner is the red flag and read more Green Flags, pre order our book Are You The Red Flag? With this link

Looking for a good partner in a ,relationship can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider. In this article, we will be discussing five positive signs to look for in a new or existing relationship that can help to ensure a healthy and happy partnership.

Firstly, a good sign in a relationship is when there is a balance between both partners sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, as well as genuinely listening to each other. In a good relationship, there should be an opportunity for both parties to have conversations, and not just listen to a monologue. Being with someone who is curious about life, you, and how to make your relationship work will make sure that the connection evolves and deepens. If your partner is not interested in listening and is only interested in talking about themselves, then it might be time to rethink the relationship.
The first green flag is the ability to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other. A good relationship is one where both partners communicate effectively, actively listen to each other, and engage in conversations. Being with someone who is curious about life, interested in your thoughts, and actively listens to what you have to say is crucial. A monologue is not a conversation, and it is important to avoid wasting time with someone who only talks about themselves and is not interested in learning about you. Good communication skills are a sign that the relationship will continue to evolve and deepen over time.

Secondly, it is important to look for a partner who has an accurate assessment of themselves and has a balance between confidence and humility. Such a person is comfortable with themselves, including their strengths and weaknesses, and does not need constant rescuing or reassuring. Being in a relationship of equals with someone who loves you for who you are, not who they wish you were, or what they think you can do for them, is always better in the long run.
The second green flag is a partner who is comfortable with themselves, including their strengths and weaknesses. They have an accurate assessment of themselves, are confident, and humble. Being in a relationship with someone who does not constantly need reassurance or rescue is ideal. It is important to find a partner who loves and accepts you for who you are, not what they think you can do for them.

Thirdly, partners who do not reveal any major unfinished emotional business or unacknowledged trauma, as shown by their tendency to talk about or refer to a past relationship or breakup, are a good sign. Although everyone has baggage, it is important to support each other in dealing with that stuff. However, people who have not taken some steps to understand and heal from their past are likely to be unpredictable and unreliable. If they haven’t connected with their own truth, they’ll be living in denial and won’t be able to connect with you either.
The third green flag is that they have dealt with their past emotional baggage. Everyone has emotional baggage, and it is a sign of emotional maturity when someone has taken the necessary steps to deal with it. When someone talks excessively about their past relationships or breakups, it is a red flag that they have not dealt with their past and may be unreliable or unpredictable. In contrast, a partner who has dealt with their past and taken steps to heal is more likely to be emotionally stable and capable of building a healthy relationship.

Fourthly, having a partner with a sharp sense of humor that is compatible with yours is essential, including a certain level of self-deprecation. Being able to laugh at ourselves means we know and accept how foolish we can all be sometimes. It’s a nice sign of self-acceptance, and someone who is accepting of themselves will be able to offer the same to you. If you don’t enjoy laughing about the same kind of things, it probably means you don’t have the same values or way of making sense of the world.
The fourth green flag is a sharp sense of humor that is compatible with yours, including a certain level of self-deprecation. Being able to laugh at oneself is a sign of self-acceptance, and a partner who is accepting of themselves is likely to be accepting of you as well. Sharing a sense of humor and values is important in building a healthy relationship. If you don’t enjoy laughing about the same things, it is a sign that you might not share the same values and beliefs, which may lead to issues in the long run.

The fifth green flag is a partner who is emotionally articulate and self-aware. When a misunderstanding or hurt arises, being able to communicate with each other is essential in resolving the issue. It is a good sign when a partner takes responsibility for their actions, avoids the blame game, and is willing to work together to resolve any issues that may arise. The ability to communicate openly and honestly is a sign that the relationship is built on a solid foundation of trust and respect.
Finally, a partner who is emotionally articulate and self-aware is another good sign in a relationship. This means that if there is any hurt or misunderstanding between you, you can both talk about it and work it out without resorting to the blame game or other ways of avoiding responsibility. In this way, an argument becomes a chance to get closer, not a reason to put distance between you.

These are just a few of the positive signs to look for in a new or existing relationship. Finding a partner who is curious about life, emotionally balanced, has dealt with their past, shares your sense of humor, and is emotionally articulate and self-aware can make all the difference in having a happy and healthy relationship. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partner about how you feel, and to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

Of course, these green flags are not the only indicators of a healthy relationship, but they are a good place to start. They offer a solid foundation upon which to build a fulfilling and lasting connection with another person.

In addition to these green flags, it’s important to be aware of any red flags that might be present in your relationship. These can include things like jealousy, controlling behavior, lack of communication, or any form of abuse. If you notice any of these red flags, it’s important to address them and seek help if necessary. These are five green flags to look out for in your new or existing relationship. Having these green flags present is a good sign that your relationship is built on a solid foundation and has the potential to be long-lasting and healthy. It is important to remember that no relationship is perfect, and even the healthiest relationships have their ups and downs. However, by being aware of these green flags, you can make better decisions when it comes to choosing a partner and building a healthy relationship.

It’s also important to remember that relationships are not always easy and require effort and commitment from both parties. It’s normal to have disagreements and conflicts, but it’s how you handle them that matters. Being able to communicate openly and honestly, respect each other’s boundaries and needs, and work through challenges together are all essential for a healthy and thriving relationship.

In conclusion, finding a healthy and fulfilling relationship can be a wonderful experience, but it requires some effort and attention. By looking for these green flags, being aware of red flags, and working on communication and mutual respect, you can build a strong and lasting connection with someone special. So take your time, be honest with yourself and your partner, and enjoy the journey of building a loving relationship.

Are You or Your Partner The Red Flag in Your Relationship? Read details here
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