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Global Harmony: GYC Street Carnival Revitalizes Joy in Nigeria as Wizkid Breaks Religious Barriers Worldwide with a Transcendent Performance in Saudi Arabia

Oguntade Samuel Oluseyi, the General Manager of the Bullion Go-Neat Global Limited; Adegboyega Bukola, the Human Resources; Ogunnoiki Anthony the Admin Manager; Ayoola Olakunle, the auditor; Sanni Anuoluwapo, the Customer Relations Manager; Togun Abiodun, the Store manager; Aremu Yusuf, the Quality Assurance Manager, and Ibrahim Kegbegbe, the head of media team of the company at the 2023 GYC Street Carnival in Ikeja, Lagos

By Ibrahim Kegbegbe

In my writing as a journalist, I, Ibrahim Kegbegbe, adhere to research and guidance from my lecturers and the books that I have read, aiming to avoid personal aggrandizement or journalistic hegemony. Today, I pick up my pen to emphasize a paramount value for Nigerians before and after general elections: LOVE.

Wizkid performing at Saudi Arabia

Love is an essential prerequisite for achieving good governance in Nigeria. It is the solution to our problems, and finding it should be rewarded with fabulous gifts. We, as Nigerians, hold the key to both the problems and the solutions.

Reflecting on the past, during the 60s and 80s, religious differences did not divide us. Leaders preached a simple message: “love your neighbors as you love yourself.” This spirit of unity vanished, and we need to rediscover it for a better Nigeria.

Let us harken back to the ’70s to late ’90s when festive periods were marked by pleasure and love, irrespective of religious affiliations. The current divisive atmosphere has overshadowed the joy we once shared.

Despite our differences, we must remember that we are all Nigerians, richly endowed with resources. Political parties in the past, like NRC and SDP, focused on national unity rather than tribalism, resulting in a diverse leadership.

In recent times, senseless killings and hatred among youths have eroded the pleasure of festivities. We should strive to reclaim the joy we once had.

In the 80s and early 90s, 7Up Bottling Company was the exclusive sponsor for various carnivals, bringing artists like Plantation Boyz, Remedies, Daddy Showkey, and Pasuma Wonder (now Oganla Fuji) to Lekki Beach in 1996. However, the joy of festivities in Nigeria has waned due to indiscriminate youth violence and unwarranted animosity.

It is crucial to note that the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine revolves around disputed land ownership, not about religion.

Looking beyond borders, Wizkid’s performance in Saudi Arabia showcases that leisure and pleasure can transcend religious barriers.

Similarly, the 2023 GYC Street Carnival in Lagos, sponsored by Bullion Go-Neat Global Limited, highlights the return of love to Nigeria.

CocoSamba, the non-alcoholic herbal bitter beverage, that recently received the “Best Herbal Bitter Award,” contributed to the positive atmosphere at the carnival. Bullion Go-Neat Global Limited’s commitment to community engagement and entertainment is evident in its flagship products, CocoSamba and Sea Dons.

The GYC Street Carnival, attended by over 1000 spectators, showcased vibrant performances by artists like Mr. May D and Terry G. Bullion Go-Neat Global Limited’s representatives added a corporate touch to the event, reaffirming the company’s commitment to elevating entertainment.

As we approach the joyous festivities of the 2023 Christmas and the dawn of 2024, let us collectively embark on a transformative journey. In the spirit of the season, let our hearts converge in a powerful departure from hatred and religious extremism, paving the way for a profound embrace of love and unity that will propel our beloved nation, Nigeria, towards progress.

These celebrations offer us a unique opportunity to set aside our differences and focus on the common ground that unites us all. As we exchange gifts and share in the warmth of family and community, let the spirit of togetherness resonate deeply within us. It is a time to forge connections that transcend religious and ethnic boundaries, recognizing the strength that lies in our diversity.

In embracing love and unity, we chart a course towards a brighter future for Nigeria. Our collective efforts can dismantle the barriers that hinder our progress, fostering an environment where understanding and cooperation thrive. This shift in perspective is not just a seasonal sentiment but a pledge to cultivate lasting change.

May the festive season be a catalyst for positive transformation, inspiring us to build bridges and mend the fabric of our society. As we welcome the New Year, let it be a symbol of renewed hope and commitment to a Nigeria where peace and prosperity prevail.

Together, let us write a new chapter for our nation—one defined by love, unity, and shared aspirations. Wishing you all a joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with the promise of a united and flourishing Nigeria.

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