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Sam Adeoye

Religion I’ve come to realise is the creation of Man to keep Man under subjection and deception of what divinity is not; drawing individuals who fall for the trap to be drawn away from God with the fear of God killing them or punishing them on the slight of a mire mistakes which they usually tagged sin. Creating the image of the unreachable God and themselves as the only access to which any human being can reach God; having the personality of a thin god with the power to determine the life and the affairs of their subject. Religion is nothing but a platform to clutter the destiny of mankind and render their lives useless to themselves. Only the wise and the prudent in search of the truth and true knowledge break away from religion and build a relationship with God.

For days now I’ve been seeing the image of a father who happened to be a Muslim Cleric and his son a Catholic Priest; in the person of Rev. Fr. Moses Ibn Idris, based in Jalingo, Taraba State flying all over the Blue App.

Is this the first time I’ve seen a thing like this?

Not at all.

A distant relative of mine, who was born a Muslim, went to Arabic School and Graduated as one of the best students in Arabic. He decided to become a Priest in the Catholic Church and he rose gradually until he became the Personal Assistant to the Head of the Catholic Church in Ogun State and later went to Rome to further his Priestly education.

I wrote an article some years back where I pointed out that all religion in the world was created by Man to reach God, God never created or established any religion to reach Him; and the first religion in the world was idolatry, worshipping Idols.

If you are a good student of the Bible, you will discover that everything about the Ark of God, the Tent meeting, the Outer Court, the Inner Court, the Holy of Holies, the different acts and practices of the remission of sins or appeasing God in the Old Testament of the Bible are all practice of Idol Worship. This is one fact both Christianity and Islam will never open your eyes understanding to.

Now, before you display your knowledge of ignorance, please go back to your Bible and study it well, with references, study materials and an open mind.

Now, when God called Abram out from His Idol worship family in Genesis Twelve, God never told him to stop worshipping Idols, Abram decided to do so and he decided to do something different from the Idol Worship ways and methods of reaching God, so, Five Times a day, he goes to the field to meditate and seek the mind of God.

Isaac and Jacob married from the same Idol Worship family Abraham came out of and Joseph the son of Jacob and the very person God used to prepare a place of refuge for the children of Israel in Egypt during the firming was a practical of an Idol Worship an act he learnt from his mother who stole the family Idol from Laban her father when Jacob was leaving Laban’s house.

This act of Abraham meditating and seeking the mind of God Five Times a day later metamorphosed into what was then known as Abrahamic Religion. The Abrahamic Religion continued until the time of Moses when it was changed into Judaism after Aaron was made a Priest. This continued even to the days of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself practised the same religion in His days, He never stood against it or condemned it. He only condemned the ways and manners the Pharisees were exploiting the people and making God look bad in the eyes of all, the same that so many religions in the world today are still doing.

After the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples decided to do something different from what the people who were practising Abrahamic religions and Judaism were doing. So, they came up with Church in the House system; holding meetings in each other’s houses and breaking bread from house to house. Joining faith together to pray, fast and stand by each other in times of crisis. Something that is no longer in some churches anymore.

Tithes and offerings were not being collected in those days. There were no Pastors, Bishops or one person building a hall to house millions of people and task them with compulsory tithes and offerings, prophet offerings, special offerings and many other offerings. That we have in the church today; and when you don’t have to give, they make you feel as if you’ve sinned. Some will even tell you never to come to the church if you don’t have offerings to give. The people in those days gave what they had to support one another and everyone had enough to live by; and the Bible confirmed it saying, “They all have all things in common”.

This new system of serving God attracted so many people to join them and before you knew what was going on, the church was growing in millions, then the Abrahamic Religion totally faded and relegated to the background, and Judaism was solely for a selected few that refused to let go of their religious background.

The act of Idol Worship was still in existence. The practice of serving God in the Old Testament gave more power to Idol Worship as they later inculcated some of the acts of worship in the Old Testament into the practice of idolatry.

For years, idolatry and Christianity were the two major religions that dominated the world until greed stepped into the church and things began to fall apart; then some members began to seek relevant knowledge, truths and facts and some people began to establish what we know today as independent ministries.

It was in this era, that the young Muhammed, who was of the Idol Worship background like Abram decided to seek out relevant knowledge and information about God as well, and in the course of that, he stumbled on Abrahamic Religion. Studied the religion very well, and then resurrected the Abrahamic Religion from the dead and gave it a different name “Islam”.

The religion began to spread like widefire, and of course, the church was against the religion because the religion had no leader with a title. Young Muhammed then made himself equal with his followers, then, when the followers noticed that they were being addressed as a religion with a leader, the followers started calling the young Muhammed “Prophet Muhammed”, just like Prophet Moses, Prophet Samuel and every other known and unknown prophet both in the Bible and in the Quran. Prophet Muhammed himself never called himself a Prophet.

In peace and harmony the three religions, Idolatry, Christianity and Islam were operating without any issues until the spirit of superiority, competition and greed entered the hearts and minds of some church leaders and Islamic leaders and they began to cause division, sentiments and hatred in the heart and mind of their followers toward anyone that is not part of their religion; this is the very reasons why the world is in a big mess today.

Of these three major religions, only the Idolatry is not in any form of competition with either of the other two.

Do you know the reason why?

Most members and leaders of the popular and well-accepted religions are patronizing the Idol Worshipers behind the scenes and they are the only religion on the Earth today that doesn’t meet on a daily or weekly basis, or ask anyone for anything. Their religion is a service to humanity. It is pay as your situation and circumstances demand.

Friends, I’m not against any religion and I will never be. But be sure that religion is never a path to God or a safe heaven for eternity. When you live to enjoy your choice of religion, leave others alone to enjoy theirs. We are all seeking ways to reach God; and our paths in life, just as our destiny in life are not and can never be the same.

By the way, I was in a Celestial Church recently to celebrate with my sister and her family. I had the opportunity

Religion I’ve come to realise is the creation of Man to keep Man under subjection and deception of what divinity is not; drawing individuals who fall for the trap to be drawn away from God with the fear of God killing them or punishing them on the slight of a mire mistakes which they usually tagged sin. Creating the image of the unreachable God and themselves as the only access to which any human being can reach God; having the personality of a thin god with the power to determine the life and the affairs of their subject. Religion is nothing but a platform to clutter the destiny of mankind and render their lives useless to themselves. Only the wise and the prudent in search of the truth and true knowledge break away from religion and build a relationship with God.

For days now I’ve been seeing the image of a father who happened to be a Muslim Cleric and his son a Catholic Priest; in the person of Rev. Fr. Moses Ibn Idris, based in Jalingo, Taraba State flying all over the Blue App.

Is this the first time I’ve seen a thing like this?

Not at all.

A distant relative of mine, who was born a Muslim, went to Arabic School and Graduated as one of the best students in Arabic. He decided to become a Priest in the Catholic Church and he rose gradually until he became the Personal Assistant to the Head of the Catholic Church in Ogun State and later went to Rome to further his Priestly education.

I wrote an article some years back where I pointed out that all religion in the world was created by Man to reach God, God never created or established any religion to reach Him; and the first religion in the world was idolatry, worshipping Idols.

If you are a good student of the Bible, you will discover that everything about the Ark of God, the Tent meeting, the Outer Court, the Inner Court, the Holy of Holies, the different acts and practices of the remission of sins or appeasing God in the Old Testament of the Bible are all practice of Idol Worship. This is one fact both Christianity and Islam will never open your eyes understanding to.

Now, before you display your knowledge of ignorance, please go back to your Bible and study it well, with references, study materials and an open mind.

Now, when God called Abram out from His Idol worship family in Genesis Twelve, God never told him to stop worshipping Idols, Abram decided to do so and he decided to do something different from the Idol Worship ways and methods of reaching God, so, Five Times a day, he goes to the field to meditate and seek the mind of God.

Isaac and Jacob married from the same Idol Worship family Abraham came out of and Joseph the son of Jacob and the very person God used to prepare a place of refuge for the children of Israel in Egypt during the firming was a practical of an Idol Worship an act he learnt from his mother who stole the family Idol from Laban her father when Jacob was leaving Laban’s house.

This act of Abraham meditating and seeking the mind of God Five Times a day later metamorphosed into what was then known as Abrahamic Religion. The Abrahamic Religion continued until the time of Moses when it was changed into Judaism after Aaron was made a Priest. This continued even to the days of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself practised the same religion in His days, He never stood against it or condemned it. He only condemned the ways and manners the Pharisees were exploiting the people and making God look bad in the eyes of all, the same that so many religions in the world today are still doing.

After the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples decided to do something different from what the people who were practising Abrahamic religions and Judaism were doing. So, they came up with Church in the House system; holding meetings in each other’s houses and breaking bread from house to house. Joining faith together to pray, fast and stand by each other in times of crisis. Something that is no longer in some churches anymore.

Tithes and offerings were not being collected in those days. There were no Pastors, Bishops or one person building a hall to house millions of people and task them with compulsory tithes and offerings, prophet offerings, special offerings and many other offerings. That we have in the church today; and when you don’t have to give, they make you feel as if you’ve sinned. Some will even tell you never to come to the church if you don’t have offerings to give. The people in those days gave what they had to support one another and everyone had enough to live by; and the Bible confirmed it saying, “They all have all things in common”.

This new system of serving God attracted so many people to join them and before you knew what was going on, the church was growing in millions, then the Abrahamic Religion totally faded and relegated to the background, and Judaism was solely for a selected few that refused to let go of their religious background.

The act of Idol Worship was still in existence. The practice of serving God in the Old Testament gave more power to Idol Worship as they later inculcated some of the acts of worship in the Old Testament into the practice of idolatry.

For years, idolatry and Christianity were the two major religions that dominated the world until greed stepped into the church and things began to fall apart; then some members began to seek relevant knowledge, truths and facts and some people began to establish what we know today as independent ministries.

It was in this era, that the young Muhammed, who was of the Idol Worship background like Abram decided to seek out relevant knowledge and information about God as well, and in the course of that, he stumbled on Abrahamic Religion. Studied the religion very well, and then resurrected the Abrahamic Religion from the dead and gave it a different name “Islam”.

The religion began to spread like widefire, and of course, the church was against the religion because the religion had no leader with a title. Young Muhammed then made himself equal with his followers, then, when the followers noticed that they were being addressed as a religion with a leader, the followers started calling the young Muhammed “Prophet Muhammed”, just like Prophet Moses, Prophet Samuel and every other known and unknown prophet both in the Bible and in the Quran. Prophet Muhammed himself never called himself a Prophet.

In peace and harmony the three religions, Idolatry, Christianity and Islam were operating without any issues until the spirit of superiority, competition and greed entered the hearts and minds of some church leaders and Islamic leaders and they began to cause division, sentiments and hatred in the heart and mind of their followers toward anyone that is not part of their religion; this is the very reasons why the world is in a big mess today.

Of these three major religions, only the Idolatry is not in any form of competition with either of the other two.

Do you know the reason why?

Most members and leaders of the popular and well-accepted religions are patronizing the Idol Worshipers behind the scenes and they are the only religion on the Earth today that doesn’t meet on a daily or weekly basis, or ask anyone for anything. Their religion is a service to humanity. It is pay as your situation and circumstances demand.

Friends, I’m not against any religion and I will never be. But be sure that religion is never a path to God or a safe heaven for eternity. When you live to enjoy your choice of religion, leave others alone to enjoy theirs. We are all seeking ways to reach God; and our paths in life, just as our destiny in life are not and can never be the same.

If you want to die earlier than your time, embrace religion; if you want to die at God’s own appointed time for you, forgo religion, embrace love, pure love for God and humanity and have a relationship that is free of sentiments and ignorance of who you are in God.

Anytime I have the opportunity to sit among the religious people, I laugh because the majority of them only play mind games; they neither hear from God nor can.

Let me share some insights with you.

  1. Religious people make you believe that you have no mind of your own; everything you do or say must be by God, the Bible or the Quran or what your religious leaders have said or are saying to you.
  2. Religious people create fear in you instead of faith. They made you believe that God is ever ready to punish you for anything and everything you do outside the religion you embraced. They do so to take control of your life and determine all your moves and actions, including your resources.
  3. Religious people believe that all your life must be about the religion you’d embraced and nothing more. Even your friends and relatives must be of the same faith. Anyone who is not of the same faith as you should not be your friend and you must not associate yourself with such a person. The majority of them had even managed to turn some people against their parents and spouses.
  4. Religious people believe that the solution to the issues of your life is there in the faith that you embrace. Even when the solution is not forthcoming.

Let me share a friend’s story with you.

I was on my way home back in 2013 when I saw my neighbour back in 2000 carrying a baby on her back and walking in the Sun along with her Maid.

We were never friends back in 2000 and for the good Eight years that I spent in that area, we never spoke. I love to mind my own business.

I parked the car and told her to come in and she did. The first thing I noticed about the baby the moment she sat down in the car was the full sets of Teeth on the baby’s mouth.

She noticed that I saw it, and she said “I need to share something that had been bothering my heart with you. I know you are a good Christian and a stronger lover of God”.

When I asked she said not today. I don’t want my Maid to hear this.

Tomorrow then, I said. I gave her my house address and the following day she came.

The moment she entered the Living Room, she started crying and asked me to pray a prayer of forgiveness for her.

I was wondering why.

Then she said, “You see this baby, I carried the Pregnancy for Eight years”. I nearly fall off my Seat. Then I understood why the baby was having full sets of Teeth.

She continued. The challenges were so bad that me and my husband were jumping from one mountain to another in search of a solution.

When the prayers in our church were no longer enough, we started moving from one church to another seeking for solution. My husband lost everything he had and after we’d patronized all the churches, sowed all kinds of seeds including the prophet seeds, and visited some Pastors we knew with no solution, we decided to try the Alfas.

They all tried their best, including the Herbalists and honestly nothing was working.

Then one day, we were coming back from the church and one woman walked up to my husband and said, don’t go home, take this money and go to Ijebu right now to go and see this woman.

She handed some cash, phone number and address to my husband and immediately we set for Ijebu.

As we were coming down the road that led to the woman’s house in Ijebu, a young lady walked up to us and said to my husband; “Mama said you should go to the market and buy a Dog. Only your wife should come to the house now”.

My husband turned back and told a Bike Man to take him to the market, I followed the young Lady home and the moment I got to the house, the old woman we went to see and some other groups of women were waiting to pray for me.

While the prayers were going on, my husband came back with a Dog, and the woman ordered them to behead the Dog immediately.

The moment they did, the Baby came out all by herself without any pain.

Now, since that time till now, I’ve been regretting my actions and asking God to forgive me.

At that point, I laughed. Then I said to her.

Do you believe that God loved you?

She said Yes.

Do you believe that God still loves you?

She said Yes.

Do you believe that God wants you alive?

She said Yes.

Do you believe that you would have died if you did not give birth to this baby?

She said Yes.

Do you think that God wants you dead?

She said No.

Do you think that God is not aware of your situation?

She said God knew.

How then do you think that the same God that loves you and knows about your situation will not provide you with the solution?

She said, I know He will but the woman is not a Christian.

Interesting I said. But she’s a human being? I asked

Yes, she is, she said.

Then I stood up, entered my Library and brought out Six of my Bibles and the Quran’s different versions and gave them to her…then I said, show me in the Bible and in the Quran where God created a Christian or Muslim?

She was looking.

Then I said to her.

God use people, not religion to provide solutions to people’s life challenges. Whatever choice of faith the person God wants to use belongs to has nothing to do with God but the person.

The woman that came to you and your husband and told you to go to Ijebu, did you know her before?

No, she said.

How are you so sure that it wasn’t God that sent her to you?

How are you so sure that the woman is not an angel sent by God?

My dear, I don’t condemn you or judge you and I will never do. And I’m so certain within myself that God is not judging you or condemning you either. If you’d died in the cause of carrying the pregnancy around do you know how many people will curse God on your behalf?

Stop condemning yourself.

Now, this is not to encourage anyone to do the unthinkable. This is for us all to know that God can use anyone at any time to bring solutions to the issues in our lives. God had used a Mad Man to speak with me before and obeying the instructions saved my life and is keeping me alive today.

God had used and still used so many people who are not even Pastors or religious leaders to fix something in my life. Some of my best counsellors and correctional teachers are on this Blue platform, people I’d never met in my life.

The reasons why so many people are still struggling to get out of their life challenges might be because of their attachment to their religion.

Friends, if you want to find your purpose in life and fulfil it, you must learn to do away with religion and allow God to lead you and guide you.
When I say that some people’s knowledge of religion is limited some people think I’m joking, but it’s the truth. If Islam said that some of the key individuals in the Bible including David and Jesus Christ are Muslims, they are right because every religion likes to claim what is right just as we also claim that they are Christians which they are not. But rather than debating on this on causing unnecessary issues why not do your due diligence to find out the truth?

Based on my own findings, when Abraham was called by God to leave his father’s house as it was said in Genesis 12:1 that; “now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family And from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you”, he was not told to leave the religion he was born into which was an idol worship and he never stopped been an idol worshiper and that was why he sent his servant to get a wife for Isaac from the same idol worship family; Genesis 24:2-4; “so Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh, and I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell; but you shall go to my country and to my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac.”” and Isaac sent Jacob to marry from the same family as it was said in Genesis 28:1-2; “then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him: “You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. Arise, go to Padan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother’s father; and take yourself a wife from there of the daughters of Laban your mother’s brother”. This was so because they wanted to keep the family religion and traditions ongoing. It’s there in your Bible you can read it further.

But Abraham came up with a system of commune and fellowship with God five times a day, that’s also in your Bible where it was said that Isaac went to the field to meditate and that act later grew to become what was then known as Abrahamic Religion. The act of meditation later grew to become the hours of prayers and in the New Testament not only did Jesus Christ practice the Abrahamic Religion, but He also went to the Temple at the hour of prayer to pray and to teach. I hope you know that Christianity doesn’t have hours of prayers any more because they don’t want to be seen as practising Abrahamic religions. But in Acts 3:1 it was said that “now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.” Do you know what the hour of prayer is as a Christian? I’m sure you don’t.

That’s one of the evils the teachings of Apostle Paul had caused us when he said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17; “pray without ceasing.” Forgetting that “to everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Whatever is done outside the time has already missed the season. That is why Apostle James the younger brother of Jesus Christ said in James 4:3 that “you ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss…”

Later on, another branch of Abrahamic Religion was birthed called Judaism and Abrahamic Religion was less practised but still in existence to date.

When Muhammed decided to break out of his Idol worship religion, he came across Abrahamic Religion and the practice and he decided to reintroduce it but gave it a different name which today is known as Islam.

Do your findings well and stop throwing things that will cause division in the world. The first religion in the world was Idolatry, and the worship of God via the Ark of the Covenant was not anywhere different. It’s enhanced it. From idol worship follows the Abrahamic Religion and from Abrahamic Religion comes the Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other religions we have in the world today.

All religion in the world is the creation of Man not God and it’s totally foolishness to capitalize so much on religion and forgo the importance of creation and the need to build relationships with the very one God created, Humans.

The religion of God as far as I can tell is Love and Jesus Christ made this clear in Matthew 22:37-39 saying; “‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ and anyone who practice anything outside of love towards God and fellow Human Being is nothing but evil. Such a person does not worth to be human.

That’s my stand.

Thank you.

Sam Adeoye

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