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Good governance, panacea to sustainable development – stakeholders

Some Christian faithful on Thursday said that Nigeria needs good governance and strong democratic institutions to achieve sustainable development.

They made the call at the zonal annual development conference, (ZADEC) 2022, organised by the Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria (CRUDAN), Southwest zone in Ibadan.

The conference had the theme; “Promulgating the Biblical Agenda for Governance and Development in Nigeria”.

The conference keynote speaker, Reverend Kolade Fadahunsi, Director Christian Council of Nigeria, Institute of Church and Society, Ibadan, said that good governance should be seen as a model of governance that leads to social and economic results for citizens.

Fadahunsi also said that the conference aimed at examining Christian as ‘salt and light’ as an agenda for good governance and development in Nigeria.

According to him, the conference is to create awareness and establish that Christians are to actively participate in politics and be seen as ambassadors of Christ to preserve and illuminate the world.

“Christians in Nigeria at this point must stop reacting, but begin to respond by strategically occupying the space where policies that affect the generality of Nigerians; both home and in diaspora are made, “he said.

In the same vein, Dr Patricia Amaechi-Obi, Chairperson, Women Wing of Christian Association of Nigeria (WOWICAN), said that peace and contentment could only be secured in Nigeria if the principle of justice is strictly adhered to.

According to her, If Nigeria must be truly developed, the development has to be based on the building of strong foundation/institutions, and home-grown system of government.

“We must uphold the dignity of work and fight for it. An economy must serve the people, and not the people serving the economy, “she said.

Earlier, the Chairman, CRUDAN, Southwest zone, Pastor Paul Enikanoselu, in his welcome address, said that the conference was intentionally structured to ensure a more developed, productive and safe society through the lens of the scripture.

He added that the theme of the conference was apt, as 2023 general elections approaches.

The Programme Offer, CRUDAN, Southwest zone, Mr John Akinpelu, said that the zonal conference aimed at advocating for the involvement of churches, faith-based organisations, Civil Society Organisations, NGOs and individuals in wholistic development.

“It is a time that members and non-members of CRUDAN come together to discuss national issues and their roles as a group or an individual for growth and development of our nation,”he said.

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