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Great Mother

Sam Adeoye

By Sam Adeoye

Having a mother is not enough because that all mothers are responsible or know what it means to be a mother. But having a mother who can lay her life down for her children and see them becoming great in life is indeed a great honour. I know that the poverty mentality has made many believe that doing great is when one has so much money and can spend lavishly as he/she wants. But that’s not greatness. That’s foolishness. Greatness is when one is making a positive impact in the lives of others and he/she is a role model others are looking up to and it doesn’t matter if the person has money or not.

There are many great mothers in the world, but one example people often cite is Mother Teresa. She dedicated her life to helping the poor and sick in India, and her selfless acts of kindness and compassion have inspired people around the world. Other great mothers include Michelle Obama, Princess Diana, and Malala Yousafzai’s mother, who supported her daughter’s education and activism despite facing threats and violence. But I’m not talking about any of these people. Rather, I’m talking about Madam Christiana Amope Adeoye my gentle, strong and hard-to-break mother who was born on July 19, 1942, and died on June 1, 2024. My mother is great in every sense of life; she is someone who loves, supports, and nurtures her children, no matter the circumstances.

My mother has some characteristics that I’m yet to see in so many mothers except in some of my sisters that I believe will be a great benefit for any parents who truly wish well for his/her children to emulate.

Unconditional love: A great mother loves her children unconditionally, no matter what mistakes they make or the challenges they face.

Patience: Motherhood can be challenging, and a great mother demonstrates patience in dealing with her children’s behaviour and emotions.

Supportive: A great mother supports her children’s dreams and aspirations, providing encouragement and guidance along the way.

Nurturing: A great mother creates a loving and nurturing environment for her children to grow and thrive.

Selflessness: A great mother puts her children’s needs above her own, sacrificing her time and energy to ensure their well-being.

Empathy: A great mother is empathetic and understanding, able to see things from her children’s perspective and offer comfort and support when needed.

Strong communication skills: A great mother communicates openly and honestly with her children, fostering a strong and trusting relationship.

Role model: A great mother leads by example, demonstrating values such as kindness, compassion, and resilience for her children to emulate.

Boundaries: A great mother sets boundaries and enforces rules to help her children learn responsibility and respect for others.

Sense of humour: A great mother knows how to lighten the mood and find joy in the everyday moments of motherhood.

Great mothers stand out from others because of their exceptional dedication, love, and selflessness towards their children. They go above and beyond to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their children to grow and thrive. Great mothers prioritize their children’s well-being and happiness above all else, often making personal sacrifices to ensure their children’s needs are met.

Great mothers also possess qualities such as patience, empathy, and strong communication skills, which help them navigate the challenges of motherhood with grace and understanding. They serve as role models for their children, demonstrating important values and behaviours that shape their children’s character and future success.

What sets great mothers apart is their unwavering commitment to their children, their ability to love unconditionally, and their willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure their children’s happiness and success.

It is very important to note that having a great mother is incredibly important for a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development. A great mother provides love, support, and guidance that help shape a child’s sense of self-worth, confidence, and resilience. Here are some key reasons why having a great mother is important:

Emotional support: A great mother offers emotional support and comfort to her child, helping them healthily navigate their feelings and emotions.

Role model: A great mother serves as a positive role model for her child, demonstrating important values, behaviours, and life skills that shape their character and future success.

Nurturing environment: A great mother creates a loving and nurturing environment for her child to grow and thrive, fostering a sense of security and stability.

Encouragement and motivation: A great mother encourages her child to pursue their dreams and aspirations, providing motivation and support along the way.

Communication and problem-solving skills: A great mother teaches her child effective communication and problem-solving skills, helping them navigate challenges and conflicts constructively.

Self-esteem and confidence: A great mother boosts her child’s self-esteem and confidence through positive reinforcement, praise, and encouragement.

Resilience and coping skills: A great mother helps her child develop resilience and coping skills to navigate life’s ups and downs with strength and grace.

Unconditional love: A great mother’s unconditional love and support provide a strong foundation for her child’s emotional well-being and sense of security.

Having a great mother can have a profound impact on a child’s life, shaping their values, beliefs, and relationships positively. A great mother’s love and support are invaluable gifts that can help a child thrive and succeed in all aspects of life.

The role of a great mother In the life of her children is profound and far-reaching. A great mother plays a crucial role in shaping her children’s emotional, social, and cognitive development, and her impact can last a lifetime. Here are some key roles and impacts of a great mother in the life of her children:

Emotional support: A great mother provides emotional support and comfort to her children, helping them healthily navigate their feelings and emotions. This support helps children develop strong emotional intelligence and resilience.

Role model: A great mother serves as a powerful role model for her children, demonstrating important values, behaviours, and life skills that shape their character and future success. Children often emulate their mother’s actions and attitudes, learning important life lessons from her example.

Nurturing environment: A great mother creates a loving and nurturing environment for her children to grow and thrive, fostering a sense of security, stability, and belonging. This environment helps children develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

Encouragement and motivation: A great mother encourages her children to pursue their dreams and aspirations, providing motivation, support, and guidance along the way. This encouragement helps children develop a sense of purpose and ambition.

Communication and problem-solving skills: A great mother teaches her children effective communication and problem-solving skills, helping them navigate challenges and conflicts constructively. These skills are essential for building healthy relationships and resolving conflicts positively.

Self-esteem and confidence: A great mother boosts her children’s self-esteem and confidence through positive reinforcement, praise, and encouragement. This support helps children develop a strong sense of self-worth and belief in their abilities.

Resilience and coping skills: A great mother helps her children develop resilience and coping skills to navigate life’s ups and downs with strength and grace. This resilience helps children bounce back from setbacks and challenges, building their capacity to overcome adversity.

Unconditional love: A great mother’s unconditional love and support provide a strong foundation for her children’s emotional well-being and sense of security. This love helps children feel valued, accepted, and cherished, fostering a deep sense of connection and belonging.

The role of a great mother in her children’s lives is immeasurable. Her love, support, guidance, and example shape her children’s values, beliefs, and relationships, influencing their development and well-being in profound ways. A great mother’s impact can last a lifetime, shaping the course of her children’s lives and destinies.

The role of a great mother in the life of her children is irreplaceable. Her love, guidance, and support shape her children’s values, beliefs, and behaviours, influencing their growth and success in profound ways. A great mother’s impact can last a lifetime, leaving a lasting legacy of love and strength in her children’s lives.

Now, losing a great mother to death is an incredibly painful and profound experience that can have a lasting impact on a person’s life. The pain of losing a mother, especially one who was loving, supportive, and nurturing, can be overwhelming and deeply felt. Nothing and I mean nothing can be compared with a mother that laid down her life for her children. Such mothers are the perfect example of the words of Jesus Christ in John 15:12-13 saying; “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” Another translation says, “This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.” But I love this translation more; “My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you. The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them.”

My mother loved us and died loving us just as Christ loved His disciples and gave His life for all. I doubt if I will ever get over my mother’s death. But I strongly believe that there are lessons to learn about her life and some of the things I’m personally going through at the moment. Some aspects of the pain of losing a great mother to death are unexplainable such as:

Emotional grief: The loss of a great mother can trigger intense emotions of grief, sadness, and despair. The emotional bond between a mother and child is often one of the strongest and most enduring relationships, making the loss particularly devastating. Unfortunately, the majority don’t recognize this bond until the mother is no more.

Sense of loss: Losing a great mother means losing a source of unconditional love, support, and guidance. The absence of her presence can create a profound sense of emptiness and loss in a person’s life.

Identity and belonging: A great mother plays a central role in shaping a person’s identity, values, and sense of self. Losing her can disrupt a person’s sense of belonging and connection, leading to feelings of disorientation and confusion.

Regret and unfinished business: The death of a great mother may bring up feelings of regret, guilt, or unresolved issues. There may be a sense of unfinished business or unspoken words that can weigh heavily on a person’s heart.

Loneliness and isolation: The loss of a great mother can leave a person feeling isolated and alone, as they navigate life without her presence, love, and support. The void left by her absence can be difficult to fill.

Coping with memories: Memories of a great mother can be both comforting and painful after her death. Reminiscing about shared moments, traditions, and experiences can bring solace but also trigger waves of grief and longing.

Support and healing: Coping with the pain of losing a great mother to death often requires support from loved ones, friends, or a therapist. Finding healthy ways to process grief, honour her memory, and seek healing can help her navigate the complex emotions of loss.

Legacy and remembrance: Keeping a great mother’s memory alive through storytelling, rituals, or acts of remembrance can be a way to honour her legacy and find comfort in the enduring impact she had on one’s life.

The pain of losing a great mother to death is a deeply personal and profound experience that can shape a person’s grief journey and emotional healing. It is important to allow oneself to grieve, seek support, and find ways to honour and remember the love and legacy of a great mother who has passed away.

Madam Christiana Amope Adeoye rest on. I love you

Pastor Sam Adeoye lives in Lagos.

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