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Group chides politicians to stop blackmail of INEC, security agencies


Uncollected PVCs

A frontline civil society organisation, the Committee for the Protection of Peoples Mandate (CPPM) has condemned in strong terms, the irresponsible and mindless blackmail of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the security agencies by evil minded persons and groups as Nigerians countdown to the 2019 general elections.

In a statement issued in Lagos by the National Coordinator of the group, Nelson Ekujumi, CPPM expressed sadness and shame at a recurring pattern of unsubstantiated allegations against INEC and the security agencies, of likely compromise of the 2019 general elections from quarters, whose antecedents is but uncomplimentary and ignoble in words and deed.

According to the group, “At a time when all hands should be on deck by patriots towards ensuring a free, fair and credible general elections that will deepen and enhance our democracy, these agents of destruction have been running from pillar to post churning out allegations upon allegations on a regular basis even without corroborating facts on any”.

The group said it has observed that the unwholesome and orchestrated campaign of blackmail and calumny against INEC and the security agencies is solely meant not only to intimidate and disparage these institutions of state from discharging their constitutional functions unbiased and professionally, but also to cast aspersions on the integrity of the conduct of the 2019 general elections, but as usual this plot of evil has failed.

CPPM hereby calls on INEC and the security agencies to remain faithful to the constitution, diligent in the discharge of their responsibility and disregard the wolf cries from anti democratic elements because it’s in their character, while assuring of the implicit confidence of Nigerians in the electoral commission and the security agencies to deliver on their constitutional mandate in a professional and impartial manner.

However, having observed the regular trend of making unsubstantiated allegations against INEC and the security agencies by these agents of chaos as we approach the forthcoming general elections, we want it placed on record that these persons and groups, be held responsible for any break down of law and order before, during and after the 2019 general elections.

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