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GUYS, SEX AND MONEY – What Ladies Should Know

As a young woman in Nigeria, Amina knew that there were certain things she needed to be aware of when it came to relationships with men. She had seen too many of her friends fall into unhealthy relationships where they were mistreated and disrespected.

One day, Amina met a man named Emeka. He was charming and seemed to genuinely care about her. They started dating, and Amina found herself falling for him quickly. But as their relationship progressed, she started to notice that Emeka was possessive and controlling. He would get angry if she spent too much time with her friends or didn’t respond to his messages right away.

Amina knew that she needed to set boundaries with Emeka, but she was afraid of how he would react. She didn’t want to lose him, but she also didn’t want to compromise her own well-being.

One day, Emeka pressured Amina into having sex with him. She wasn’t ready, but she didn’t want to disappoint him. Afterward, she felt ashamed and confused. She had always been taught that sex was something to be respected and cherished, but she didn’t know how to reconcile that with her own desires and emotions.

As Amina struggled to come to terms with her relationship with Emeka, she also had to navigate the cultural expectations surrounding money. Her family expected her to marry a man who could provide for her financially, but she also wanted to pursue her own career and financial independence.
If you are Amina, Shade, Ngozi, Bella, Jane or Sandra, there are things you need to know about guys, sex and money that will greatly help you navigate the troubled waters of relationship with the opposite sex!

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As a woman living in Nigeria, there are many important things you should know about guys, sex, and money. These are important aspects of life and can greatly affect your relationships, both romantic and platonic.

Most ladies in this part of the world can hardly talk about a relationship with guys without sex and money!

In this article, we will discuss some essential things every Nigerian woman should know about these three interconnected topics.

Understanding men is an important part of any relationship. In Nigeria, many men are brought up to be the primary breadwinners and providers for their families. This cultural expectation can often translate into their relationships with women. It’s important to understand that men and women are wired differently, and it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Men often express their emotions differently than women and may not always understand your perspective.

It’s also important to respect yourself and set boundaries in your relationships with men. Don’t allow anyone to mistreat or disrespect you. This includes verbal and physical abuse. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, it’s important to trust your instincts and seek help.

Sex is an important part of many relationships, but it’s important to approach it with caution and understanding. In Nigeria, there are cultural and religious beliefs that can influence attitudes towards sex. It’s important to understand and respect these beliefs, but ultimately, your sexual choices are your own.

It’s important to practice safe sex and protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. Contraceptives such as condoms and birth control pills are widely available in Nigeria, but there are still many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding their use. It’s important to educate yourself and your partner about safe sex practices.

It’s also important to remember that consent is crucial in any sexual encounter. Both parties must give enthusiastic and informed consent before engaging in any sexual activity. If you feel uncomfortable or uncertain about a sexual situation, it’s important to trust your instincts and communicate your boundaries.

Money is a crucial aspect of life in Nigeria and can greatly affect your relationships with men. Many men in Nigeria are expected to provide for their families financially, and this can often translate into their relationships with women.

It’s important to have open and honest communication with your partner about money. Discuss your financial expectations and goals for the future. It’s important to have financial independence and not rely solely on your partner for financial support.

In Nigeria, there are still many cultural expectations that women should not be the primary breadwinners or financial decision-makers. However, it’s important to remember that times are changing, and women are increasingly taking on leadership roles in various industries. It’s important to challenge these stereotypes and pursue your goals and aspirations, regardless of your gender.

Understanding guys, sex, and money is crucial for any Nigerian woman. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, set boundaries, and respect yourself in your relationships with men. Safe sex practices and informed consent are crucial in any sexual encounter. Finally, it’s important to challenge cultural expectations and pursue your goals and aspirations, regardless of your gender. By following these tips, you can navigate these important aspects of life with confidence and make informed decisions that are right for you.

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.Samuel Omolola Edema is a certified relationship coach with over 10 years experience and founder of ADAM & EVE community on Facebook. Adam and Eve, where we live, love, learn and share our opinions, knowledge and experience on Dating, Relationship and Marriage. Join us with this link 👇

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