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Healing Stream: Let’s take Jesus’ healing powers to all nations of the world – Pastor Chris

Hundreds of millions of people from around the world have begun to register and are preparing to attend both physically and online, the coming healing streams live services which would be taking place between Friday, 4th and Saturday, 5th November, 2022.

Are you in need of healing, or do you know of someone who is? Kindly register them for the programme by using the link and let’s begin the count-up to the day of your miracle, a statement by the Healing School, the healing arm of the Love World Ministry released on Saturday stated.

The statement stated that the man of God, Pastor Chris had at during the special programme which held on September 23rd announced that another special edition of the live healing services will hold on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th of November, 2022 by 3 PM (GMT+1) daily. 

The Healing Streams Live Healing Services are special services organised by the Healing School to bring the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ – flowing through the man of God, Pastor Chris to many worldwide, regardless of their location. 

It will once again be a time for millions of people around the world to receive divine healing from diverse diseases and afflictions and complete restoration in every situation. The healing power of God will be coming to everyone in their homes, and meeting them at the point of their needs. 

The July 2022 edition of the Healing Services saw countless inspiring testimonies such as that of Angelica Trujillo from the United States, who was healed of over 10 years of tremor and physical disability due to Parkinson’s disease. She became incapacitated to the point where she couldn’t do anything on her own and had to completely depend on others for movement and support. She attended the July Healing Streams Live Healing Services with faith for a miracle, and she became a testimony of God’s awesome omnipotent power. She was completely healed and received a divine bill of health. She now lives a normal life free from affliction.

Another testimony is that of Lushomo Puerile from Cameroun, who was diagnosed with skin cancer and was plagued with sores and scars on her legs. She sought after remedies, like chemotherapy and medications, which did little or nothing to alleviate the condition. Her hope came alive, when she participated in the Healing Services online and instantly received her healing as the man of God Pastor Chris prayed for those who were sick around the world. She lives now, free from pain, and the scars and sores that riddled her skin have since cleared up. 

Urging people everywhere to participate in the programme, Pastor Chris said, “I want you to think like we’re covering the whole world during the Healing Streams. Every single nation will be set for Healing Streams in November, by the power of the Holy Ghost. We have a lot to do with reaching people. In a day with so much happening in the health sector, think how important divine miracle healing is today. They’ve turned health into a business, so how can they let you be well? Only God can be trusted to make you fully well. So, spread it around the world.”

The same healing power that flowed during the days that Jesus walked the earth is still flowing now and will be available to touch everyone in need during this upcoming edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. “Clear your schedule to attend, and invite all those in your sphere of contact as well. It would be a time of the unraveling of the miraculous. Register yourself and your loved ones on and begin preparation for this great miracle crusade,” the statement further added.

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