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How to prevent protein deficiency during pandemic

Why is protein deficiency a growing problem across the world when large quantities of food go to waste? What can nations do to curb incidents of protein deficiency? What must Nigeria do?

Experts claimed that it would make sense to start with policies that support direct links between farmers and consumers, prioritize food security and encourage proper meal planning and nutrition education. 

The Protein Challenge Webinar Series 4 with the theme: Protein Deficiency in a Pandemic provided a platform forMedical and Nutrition experts to dissect the issues. Here are Top Ten Takeaways from the session which held on Thursday, September 24, 2020:

Malnutrition is prevalent in Nigeria. Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. It is also a group of conditions in children and adults related to poor quality, or insufficient quantity and quality, of nutrients intake, absorption or utilization.

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