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By Pastor Z.A. Ogunsanya

Here is what this message is trying to draw attention to:

 Evidences that Nigeria economy is depressed: so it is all over the world.

 Causes of depressed economy- General world situations, mismanagement etc.

 Result of depressed economy- scarcity of basic necessities.

 What each of us is to do now: This is what we will be discussing here.


One of the things the Bible says will characterise the last days is scarcity of food and other things.

Even scarcity of good husbands.

Our nation is not alone in the scarcity we are experiencing today.

Before the current government came in, everybody was condemning the last government and believing that the new government will bring abundance of everything.

But the signs we are beginning to see suggests that, that expectation may not quickly come to reality.

From all indications, this government (like most other governments)  does not have any magic wand to solve all the problems that have been created over many years overnight.

Each of us needs to do whatever is necessary to be able to survive at a terrible time like this.

Proverbs 22:2-3 KJV

The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all. [3] A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

✓ Put in mind the limitation of prayer.

Know that prayer alone will not solve the problems on ground now. Prayers have not been working alone, hence the Lord talk about asking, seeking and knocking. Mt. 7:7.

If all you do at a time like this is only to pray, you are not obeying this word of God.

One serious thing I have observed over the years is that instead of many Church Leaders to teach their members the need to be prudent in spending what they have, they kept on telling them that big money is coming as a result of their prayers and contributions.

This has led a lot of church people into looking for money through all kinds of illegitimate means.

Some who don’t know how to or who will not use illegal means to get money, have died frustrated, when the promised monies refused to come.

✓ Decide To Make Some Necessary Changes. Lk. 13:1-5.

One very important truth God has taught me is that we are to repent not only from sin, but also from every other thing that is not God glorifying or beneficial to our lives. In fact, it is not only sinners that need to repent.

Even God was said in the book of Genesis to have repented. Gen.6:5-7. That was why He made the changes that destroyed the world of Noah. Gen. 6-11.

You need to make provisions for the hard time we are already entering into and we will still enter more and more, if Jesus tarries. 1 Cor. 7:26-31; Acts. 4:34-37.

Learn from those who are already adjusting to the realities of today.

✓ Deliberately Spend Less On Whatever You Need To Spend On. Pro. 11:24.

To be wise at a time like this, ask yourself “what are the things I can do without, that I am spending money on?”

These may include: clothes, costly food, unnecessary entertainments, overspending on necessary things: wedding, naming, burial etc.

✓ Work Harder To Make More Money. 

Prudence and laziness are not related in anyway. Pro. 22:29; 23:21; Rm. 12:11; Jh. 5:17; Jh. 9:4; 2 Thes. 3:10-12.

As you are cutting down your expenses, look for more and better avenue to make more money. Jh. 5:17.

✓ Don’t Jeopardise Your Health. Eccl. 10:15.

Don’t work foolishly. The big money you are foolishly making may not be enough to pay your hospital bills eventually.

It is when you are alive you will be able to enjoy the money you work hard to make. Eccl. 10:15.

✓ Don’t Put Your Burden In Any Man. 2 Thes. 3:10-12.

In many cases, rich people are greater debtors than some poor people.

Make sure you don’t put all your burdens on any person because you know he has more than you. At the time you need him most, he may not be alive or in a position to rescue you. Isa. 2:22.

✓ Be Very Close To God.  Ps. 127:1-2; Jh. 15:4-5.

You need God at a time like this. You will always need Him. You need His blessing on whatever effort you make, for it to bring good produce and truly add anything meaningful to your life.

How many people have made big money, that sicknesses, deaths and some other unforseen things did not allow them to enjoy? You will never stop to need God. Heb. 10:25-27.

✓ Learn To Discipline Yourself And Endure. Mt. 24:12-13.

Even if things are very Okay with you now, learn not to over enjoy. 

Teach yourself self discipline and endurance.

It is a requirement of God. Jesus laid the example.

Things may not be rosy forever.

Think about those who from war-torn countries have to live everything they have behind, and run to other countries to live as refugees.

A lot of people in diaspora today, are surviving only because they are doing the kind of jobs they could not do in their home countries.

Do anything that is righteous, godly and beneficial, to be able to survive at a difficult time like this.

Above all, trust and pray God to help you.

It is by the help of God you will be able to do whatever you need to do at this time. Nay! at anytime for that matter. 

Luke 21:36 KJV

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

•   Pastor Dr Z A Ogunsanya MyrP.

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