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Illegal Invasion/ Sealing of Properties :AMCON Brokers Truce with AEROLAND

Lagos State PDP Chairman Mr Segun Adewale

Following last Friday illegal invasion and sealing of properties belonging to Aeroland Conglomerate by AMCON, a truce has been reached between the agency and conglomerate’s CEO, Otunba Segun Adewale (Aeroland)

This was contained in a statement from Adewale’s media office and personally signed by him. It would be recalled that the corporate office of Aeroland Travels & some other properties were sealed by a team of policemen acting on an exparte order obtained for alleged 1.8 bullion debt owed by Aeroland.

Otunba Segun Adewale acknowleged that AMCON called him for an in-house meeting where all matters concerning his frozen assets that made headlines earlier have been resolved. The PDP chieftain added that the gesture was what he expected of AMCON ab initio, as a mediator between him and Polaris Bank to affirm who is in debt and by obligation admonish the erring party to pay.

He also expressed his concern on the matter, saying that the reconciliation will expose the atrocities of Polaris bank. In an excerpt, he reflects by saying he has been clamouring for reconciliation and that is why he took Polaris bank to court, stating that the bank is so duplicitous.

He said he had approached the CBN and reconciled his account and after that, Polaris Bank had been called by the CBN to submit their report and has refused. He encourages that he and Polaris Bank should meet to reconcile and if he owes them he will pay but if they owe him, they must pay the money back with interest.

While insisting that he is not indebted to Polaris Bank, Aeroland challenged the bank to produce the offer letter of the loan or any document in lieu to confirm such transaction. He equally requested the bank to produce the account number to which the purported loan was disbursed.

Otunba segun Adewale also expressed his disappointment at the media for prosecuting him unjustly and without a fair hearing on his side of the story .The business mogul further expressed his displeasure with the misrepresentation and unprofessional reportage of the incident by a section of the media which failed to cross check facts on the incident before going to the press.

“It is quite unfortunate that a lot of print and online media went with one side of the story as they were used to descend heavily on my business and reputation which I laboured to build for many years. The media had picked on a story of the allegation and trend it as a court judgement, indirectly prosecuting him before being adjudged to have been wrong”.

Otunba Segun Adewale, however, appreciates his supporters and well-wishers who reached out to him for their concern and show of support during and after the incident.

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