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June 12 Democracy Day

Alhamudillahi, I have lived as an adult Nigerian in Lagos State Nigeria in both June 1993 and May 1999. I have constantly reflected on June 12 Democracy Day vis-a-vis May 29 Democracy Day, only one question comes first to mind; which sane parents celebrate the birthday of a child that died in the hand of the midwife right in the labour room/theatre?

May 29 Democracy Day is an all-encompassing reflection of the past struggle for Democratic rule, interrogation of The Current Democratic rule and meditation for better future of Democratic governance in our dear mother Land. Whatsoever the narrative the advocates of June 12 Democracy Day May have pushed, May 29 remains most significant in our journey to Democratic rule. Every struggle, pains, losses and goals, pre and post June 12, cumulated into reality, return of military to the barracks, on May 29.

 To my mind, the APC government and the so-called progressive were in their usual hate moods to eliminate PDP/Obasanjo government legacy and contributions to sustenance of democracy in our country, Nigeria, unfortunately they failed, when they enact June 12 Democracy Day into federal law. Another voyage of pettiness and disdain for the pass years they have just embark on, is the reversal of the national anthem.

As expected, but saddening, the APC politicians and they sycophantic supporters are very loud to announce their latest voyage to our ugly past, return of old national anthem – “Nigeria we hail thee.”

These self acclimated Democrats forgot that the anthem referenced is a composition of the colonial masters and handed to our founding fathers on Independence Day. They forgot the lyrics of that anthem never made any sense to our people, given the turbulence of the twenty – eight years of its redemption, political betrayals, political thuggery and violence, bloody military coups, civil war, ethnic suppression and discrimination, abandoned properties, these are the sign post of that era.

Even at the current time, with enormous poverty and economic downtown, should a sane government involve in careless spending of the national wealth? Billions will be expended in this process to re-introduce the old anthem.

Come June 12 Democracy Day, we will be hearing about how the election of that day was absolutely transparent, free and fair for all parties. The question therefore, these acclaimed Democrats and Progressives are they atoned to the principles of transparent, free, fair elections, and government of the people by the people for the people? Their conduct has proven the contrary. Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (MKO) Abiola was a hero and remain an enigma in both our national life and humanity endeavours. That he deserves to be immortalise can not be overemphasized. And this has been done adequately. Another soothing possible thing for the government to do is to declared June 12, National Heroes Day, not a national holiday please.

I want to empathetically suggest that the peoples Democratic Party National Executive Committee should pass a resolution to the effect of May 29 remains the democracy day and urge their state governors to implement same in their states. Remember, the south west states of AD, AC/ACN government celebrated June 12 Democracy Day during the sixteen years of PDP government.

As I conclude, let me say my upward looking career in the MINT was cut short in 1995, by the then military government as consequences of NADECO movement. Hence, my career is one of the too many collateral damages of June 12 struggle. Also, I was enlisted into the SDP at the formation stage ’89/90 in my Ward 06, Estako-West LGA Edo state. Hence, I was an ardent adherent of “HOPE ’93. The joy of June 12 victory was ecstatic just as the sadness of Association of Better Nigeria (ABN) midnight Court injunction was depressing.

Happy Democracy Day!

Alhaji Kasimu Ofeimukpiaha Ebozogie.


Peoples Democratic Party

Ajeromi Ifelodun LGA

Lagos State.

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