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Korea boosts eGovernment in Nigeria, Cameroon

Published By Olukayode Idowu

Republic of Korea in a move to boost eGovernment in Nigeria and Cameroon has organized Korea-Nigeria-Cameroon eGovernment workshop and knowledge exchange programme.

The Republic of Korea organized the programme through its grant aid agency, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Office in Nigeria in close collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy (FMCDE).

The event was held at the eGovernment Training Centre located at the Public Service Institute of Nigeria (PSIN) building in Abuja on Thursday.

The Cameroon eGovernment delegation is on a 4-day working visit to Nigeria from November 17-20, 2021. The eGovernment workshop and knowledge exchange programme was organized as part of scheduled activities to foster knowledge and experience sharing on eGovernment development between Nigeria and Cameroon.

Speaking at the event, the Honorable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami, who was represented by Mr. Bitrus Nabasu, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy highlighted KOICA’s contribution to the development and implementation of eGovernment in Nigeria over the last 14 years adding that it was notable to have the Cameroon delegation visit Nigeria on the eGovernment knowledge exchange programme which provided Nigeria the rare opportunity to share her own eGovernment development experience to other countries within the Sub-Saharan Africa region.

Also at the event, Ambassador Kim Young-Chae, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Nigeria in his remark commended KOICA for facilitating the knowledge exchange programme, noting that the program will further strengthen eGovernment capacity building and development cooperation programs between Korea and its partner countries.

In his keynote address the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform H.E. Joseph LE who was represented by TABOD Jacqueline MAH épse MEJANG, Inspector General, Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform as the Head of the Cameroon eGovernment delegation lauded the collaborative efforts and support provided by the participating eGovernment stakeholders in Nigeria while also stating that the knowledge and experiences shared during the workshop proceedings will boost his country’s eGovernment development initiatives within the coming years.

The KOICA Nigeria Country Director Mr. Woochan Chang informed that the workshop as championed by KOICA Country Offices in Nigeria and Cameroon, was an offshoot of the recently established eGovernment project agreement between the Governments of Korea and Cameroon. The signed project agreement has a project design similar to Nigeria’s eGovernment first phase project which KOICA supported from 2013 to 2019.

Notable government agencies that participated in various activities during their visit included the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy (FMCDE), National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Galaxy Back Bone (GBB), National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), eGovernment Training Centre (ETC), Public Service Institute of Nigeria (PSIN), Heads of the Digital Transformation Technical Working Groups (DTTWGs), and Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).

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