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Land Grabbers: Businessman alleges threat to life over land possession

Chief Akinfolabi Akindele has called on the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), to investigate an alleged threat to life and forceful possession of his undeveloped land in Okun Ajah Lekki, Lagos state.

Akindele alleged that the land in contention had been a subject of litigation which he had won, but the other parties, Alh Babatunde Orilowo, Akanni Mutairu and Farouk Agbationika had been trespassing on the said land.

He also claimed that his company was dully certified to manage the land by the original owners

“My company is duly appointed as attorney to the Estate of Madam Iyalode Efuronye Tinubu that comprises large expanse of land pursuant to the Power of Attorney donated to me by the trustees of the estate.

Akindele added “It is on this premise that ever since I took over the management of the estate as the attorney, but there are flurry of opposition some of which some land grabbers who daily inundate me with threat to life.

“Sometimes ago, I had to resort to seeking the protection of the police while I also instituted a court action to challenge the title of these trespassers.

“Some of these trespassers are Alh Babatunde Orilowo Akanni Mutairu, Farouku Adewale Agbationika, Alhaji Kabir Adekambi, Ramilu Agbationika and Mrs Ifeoma of Winhomes and Others.

“Their opposition is against the undeveloped land in Okun Ajah Lekki, Lagos state and which is also part of the vast land of Efuronye Tinubu.

“They however did not produce rival title documents or any other rather than concocted and fabricated stories of customary ownership which is at variance with established fact in the various Judicial determination of ownership of the land by various courts in Lagos as far back as 1912.

They also refuse to join the case pending in Lagos Challenging any adverse title,” Akindele said.

He added that it was based on this fact that he applied for a police protection to further prevent encroachment on the land.

“I thereafter sought for the deployment of mobile police force to protect the land from further invasions subsequent to which our client provided a container as shelter for the mobile men on the sight.

“However, they originated a petition to AIG zone 2, Lagos, who without any further investigation sent his men to the land and arrested and detained men engaged in the construction of the 2nd shelter for the Mobile men the result of which the entire place was left unguarded and unprotected.

“This development however, gave the trespassers, Alh Babatunde Orilowo Akanni Mutairu (Atm) Farouku Adewale Agbationika, Alhaji Kabir Adekambi, Kamilu Agbationika, Mrs Ifeoma of Winhomes and Others took the advantage of the situation to deploy thugs to destroy the container and set it on fire.

“The pictorial evidence of this act and after the destruction, they went to a Television station to invite unsuspected third parties who they illegally sold the land to take over the possession of the land.

“I wish to state that the conduct of the above named individuals and their collaborators are not only criminal but constitute disregard and disrespect to lawful authority of the court and if not put to check will cause further break down of law and order

“I hereby seek a redress from the police authority to properly investigate this case and prosecute the offenders,” he said.

It would be recalled that Chief Akindele Afolabi noted that the ring leader of this unconstitutional activities, Alhaji Babatunde Orilowo Akanni Mutairu, ATM, is known for various fraudulent activities in the state as he is presently on the wanted list of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC for obtaining money under false pretence and stealing.

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