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Managing External factors in your relationship using the recent election, cashless policy and bad economy in Nigeria

The elections in Nigeria have been won and lost though flawed with pockets of issues here and there, some of the contestants are even heading to the courts. Yet the cashless policy and Naira Notes redesign is still biting hard on us … the fuel crisis is not completely over, the economy is not friendly, how do we manage all of these as we try to build a happy home and relationships? First, let’s share the story of Ayo and Emeka with you.
Ayo and Emeka had been dating for over a year before the 2023 election in Nigeria rolled in. They had always had different political views, but it had never been an issue in their relationship. However, as the election grew closer, tensions began to rise. A new order seems to be happening and Emeka was naturally excited about this.

Emeka is a strong supporter of one of the new candidates, while Ayo had a more nuanced view… she just wanted a better Nigeria regardless. They found themselves getting into heated debates and arguments almost on a daily basis about the election, with each trying to persuade the other to see their point of view.

One day, after a particularly intense argument, Ayoi stormed out of Emeka’s apartment, feeling frustrated and upset. She knew she loved Emeka, but the election had created a divide between them that she didn’t know how to bridge it.

Unfortunately too, the cashless policy has reduced movement and people were barely able to go to work, so visiting a friend or loved one was not even in the picture.

Over the next few days, Ayo and Emeka barely spoke. They would exchange curt messages here and there, but their conversations were tense and awkward. Ayo began to worry that their relationship was doomed.

Emeka on his part was not ready to shift ground… It’s either my party and candidate or nothing.

While it is obvious that Ayo and Emeka were unable to resolve the effect of politics, cashless policy and bad economy on their relationship, we can share with you how SAM and TOLU were able to use the “Five Key Strategies of Overcoming External Factors in Relationships” to navigate Politics, Cashless Policy and the Bad Economy. Here are the five key strategies for managing external factors in relationships and marriages.
Stay informed with the news
Have open and honest communication
Support Each Other
Stay Positive and Hopeful
Take care of yourself and your relationship
Staying informed without overconsumption

The Nigerian political climate is known for its unpredictability and volatility, and the 2023 elections were no exception, in fact it was believed to be the most tense of all the elections ever held in Nigeria, especially with a third force coming into the race. Tolu and Sam were both interested in politics and are big time followers of two different political parties and candidates. However, they realized that overconsumption of the news could lead to anxiety and stress. To cope with this, they agreed to limit their exposure to political news and to take breaks from social media. Instead, they focused on other activities that brought them joy, increase their bond, such as cooking together or exploring new hobbies and playing games.
They also follow the news on the cashless policy and all the intrigues and political conversation around the policy.
Open and honest communication

Tolu and Sam understood that they had different views on politics, but agreed on the cashless policy to be good but implementation was bad. They never allowed their political differences to come between them. They always made sure to communicate openly and honestly about their thoughts and opinions, while still respecting each other’s views. They made it a point to listen to each other’s perspectives and to find common ground whenever possible. And with the jokes, fake news and lies, they laugh them off and even “catch cruise” with them with one another.
Finding ways to support each other

The Nigerian economy has been unstable for many years, and this has been very disappointing especially with the recent cashless policy and Naira Notes redesign. Tolu and Sam realized that they needed to find creative ways to save money, manage their cash flow and support each other during these challenging times. They started by creating a budget and sticking to it. They also made an effort to reduce unnecessary expenses, such as eating out and shopping for non-essential items. Tolu, who is a teacher, started taking on extra tutoring jobs to supplement their income, while Sam, who is an entrepreneur, found ways to cut costs in his business and sometimes have to work from home.
Staying Positive and Hopeful

Despite all of these challenges, Tolu and Sam always maintained a sense of hope and optimism. They believed that things would get better, and they focused on the things they could control. They make sure to take time for self-care activities, such as exercising, meditating, and spending time with loved ones. They also took advantage of free community events and explored the beautiful scenery in their community as the cashless reduced their outing.
Taking care of themselves and their relationship

Finally, Tolu and Sam knew that they needed to take care of themselves and their relationship. The election will be over, the cashless policy soon ease and the situation and economy are likely to get better with the incoming President. They made sure to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being by taking breaks from work and focusing on self-care. They also made it a point to spend quality time together, whether it was cooking a meal or taking a walk within their environment. They knew that by taking care of their relationship, they could support each other through the toughest of times.
In conclusion, coping with the challenges posed by the Nigerian election, cashless policy, and the bad economy in a relationship journey can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By staying informed, communicating openly, finding ways to support each other, staying positive, and taking care of themselves and their relationship, Tolu and Sam were able to build a strong and resilient relationship that withstood the challenges of the Nigerian environment.

You and your partner can also be the next Tolu and Sam… don’t be another Ayo and Emeka.
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Samuel Omolola Edema is a certified relationship coach with over 10 years experience and founder of ADAM & EVE community on Facebook. Adam and Eve, where we live, love, learn and share our opinions, knowledge and experience on Dating, Relationship and Marriage. Join us with this link 👇

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