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Nigerian Christians need to pray more – Bishop Odedeji

Bishop Odedeji and other clergies at the service

By Olanrewaju Adesanya

The Lord Bishop Diocese of Lagos West of the Anglican Communion, RT.Reverend Dr. James Olushola Odedeji, has urged the Nigerian Christians to pray more for those in position of authority and a united Nigeria.

The Clergy made this call at the centenary celebration of the ST.John’s Anglican Church Iju Ishaga, an Archdeaconry under the Diocese of Lagos West.

In his words: ” I believe so much that if Christian’s can pray Nigeria will not be what we have today.

“Faith is not necessarily what you confess but what you put into action and the Bible tells us that faith without work is dead.

“So Christians should be Christians not only by mouth but by our righteous living, by our fruit bearing attitudes,by our being accommodating believing that others should also survive and this is what the bible tells us as Christians.

“So when those things are put in place Nigeria will be good. I believe in Nigeria, I know the worse cannot happen, I know the Lord will rescue this nation and I can tell you that very soon the kingdom of God will reign supreme in this nation.

“Let us continue to pray for the government and those in position of authority they need our prayers. They are as human as anybody, we know we have so many problems but God is abundantly able to deliver those who trust in him.

Bishop Odedeji also charged stakeholders and members of the Archdeaconry with eleven churches under it, to harness the huge potentials for better projection of the Anglican  communion within their vicinity.

“Forward ever backward never,they have potentials they have to spread the good news,they must ensure that the news of the Gospel continues.

“Thank God for those who started this Church 100 years ago,they started small and the church has grown in leaps and bounds, it is one of the Archdeaconry doing so well in this District.

“The quantum of the men of God who have worked here had added to the standard of the Church.

“The incumbent,Venerable Taiwo Arowolo is doing excellently well and that is evident in the service today, they have population, the people are spiritual, responsive to the word of God so I charge them not to rest on their oars.

“They still need to believe that the best is yet to come. They’ve seen what is good but the best is on the way and they should embrace strangers, whether East,North, West we are going to the same heaven and we have the same God.

“We have the same focus and so they should allow those that have been there and those that may want to come in.

“It is centrally located, this Church has a good potential, good position and with the gigantic building God has built for them here,there will be a time when there will be three, four services here on Sunday unlike they have two on Sunday morning. So God will bless and prosper his people. ” Bishop Odedeji said.

Venerable Taiwo Arolowo, the Vicar of  ST.John’s Anglican Church Iju Ishaga, elated by the 100 years attainment of one of the oldest churches in the Diocese since 1920 to 2020 ascribed all glory to God who it possible citing the ordeals of COVID-19 as a trying moment for all.

“We need thank God because seeing this day is not by our own making, even this year alone somebody should give thanks to God for being alive, it is not our own making but by the grace of God we are among the living, we need to appreciate God.

“We fix the date to thank God for what he is to us and for what he is still going to do in our lives, 100 years after it has been God and God alone .

On second wave of COVID-19 the Vicar charged every Nigerians to adhere strictly by the stipulated guidelines for safety and prevention of further spread of the virus.

“I think we need to follow government directives, in my hands now I hold face masks that is to tell you that I encourage all our members and Christians generally to follow the directives of the government because we all have seen and heard about it and we pray that it will not be our portion in Jesus name but they have given us this opportunity that we should use our face mask.

“I don’t go out for two months back then in full compliance and I always encourage my members to have their face masks,those who don’t have I ensure I have some to give to them. “So it is very very important to have your own face masks in order not to be infected with the virus.” Said Venerable Arowolo.

Mr Olatunji Aina a member of the Church since 1995, cited the commitment of erstwhile leaders of the church as a cardinal for the progress made thus far.

“Here God has been with us, we have moved thrice before having this structure which took us nine years to complete, from a mud house to this edifice, leadership has been playing a very vital role here.”You see when you have a good leader, followers will be good, that is what has been helping the Church right from the time I joined .

He however, raised a poser on the sustainance of the love of Jesus Christ in youths of this generation.

“That one depends on the parents if you don’t correct them the way youths are going now I don’t know what will be the fate of the church in future they need to be redirected things are just not too good .” Said Mr Aina.

Mr. Funsho Odusanya and his wife Mrs Adetoun Odusanya,who were recipients of award for service in the vineyard as members of  CBSociety of Saint John Anglican Church Iju Ishaga Lagos,  restated their zeal for God without expecting any rewards.

“I never expected this award and I feel highly honoured and grateful that I’m still in existence to see today and also receive an award.

“Youths should be truthful, bearing in mind that only God can do anything and that there is nothing you asked from God that he will not give you but we have to be faithful and truthful to him.

“My advise this yuletide is that people who are blessed should consider the less privileged and give them gifts in the memory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“They too will feel happy and feel belonging that they are still in existence and people do recognize them. It is not good for people who are well to do to hoard things whatever anybody has in this world is from God”.

Mr. Adefolaju Soetan, the Chairman of the centenary planning committee noted that  the founding fathers had a vision that the place will be for evangelism.

“A place where the whole of Iju Ishaga will be evangelised. Till date that aspiration and goal is still being pursued vigorously we thank God for all those who had served in one capacity or the other as clergy or laity in this Church.

“We are celebrating today and we thank God for his mercy so far. It is our hope that 100 years to come we will have a generation that will stand up and also celebrate another centenary, this year’s theme :Living by Faith in our Modern Times. “

Durojaiye Akinlade Oladapo one of the Church Warden, thank God for the journey so far, as he alone made the day possible and all those who have contributed in diverse ways to ensure the Church thrived till date.

Mr Isebo Dennis Omodiagbe also a church Warden, hinted that some people paid the ultimate price for the sake of this Church years back to have this place for God.

“It would have been a tug of war in time past for people were not ready to let go of the site, we are glorifying God that wherever they are their soul continue to rest perfectly in peace. “Unfortunately this is a year I tagged, a year of God where all powers and authorities in the world were brought to their knees,wherever they are, so it was challenging for the committee most of the programme had to be muddled together.

“We initially planned to start in April, so that we will do it bit by bit, but as it is we had to crush everything into one week and a lot of the awardees have made sacrifices, the Celebration is low key because we are trying to keep to government directives and guidelines to check the spread of the virus.” Omodiagbe said.

The Church pioneer families since 1920 were recipients of various awards, notable amongst them were Mr David Falana, Mr David Bamimeke, Mr John Adesiyan,Mr Daniel Olukanku,Mr Emmanuel Lamodi, Mr Abraham Kolajo, Mr. Samuel Morenikeji, Mr Nathaniel Omopariola and Moses Okeola.

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