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Sam Adeoye

The difference between the persons that knows his right and the ones that doesn’t, is based on the amount of information at their disposal and how knowledgeable they are about their lives and access to what is rightful theirs. Living life with half information regarding the life you either chose to live or enforced on you to live is as good as dead. You and I know as much as I do that nothing good comes out of a dead life.

In this article, we’re going to explore some vita information that had eluded most people in the world, most importantly the religious bigotries; and leave their lives totally unproductive for decades. Many don’t even have anything good to show for their lives any longer.

The first major killer of life and destiny aside religion is the word ‘sin’. Whenever people hear the word ‘sin’, they catch cold immediately and the image of hell and of the lake of fire immediately flash through their mind. And the next thing they began to do is to confess their ‘sin’ and ask God for forgiveness. I laughed whenever I see people doing that. It’s prove that they never know God in the first place and they have no understanding of what they are doing. More so, most of the things we called sin are nothing but a mistake.

The word Sin in Hebrew means “chatta’ah” and in Greek “chatta’th” meaning “an offense” something habitual.

Offense: is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.

Habitual: a habitual action, state or way of behaving is one that someone usually does or has, especially one that is considered to be typical or character of them. Therefore, until an act become habitual, I mean until something becomes the state, way of behavior or your character it is not a sin.

This might sound out of lane; but the truth is, doing something wrong for the first time had not made you a sinner or committed a sin. But making the wrong thing you’d done to become your habit is a sin. Doing a thing for the first time could be a mistake, oversight, ignorance, interest or curiosity. These are normal to building life experiences, developing masteries and enhancing capacity to conquer in the world of flexibility marred in the invisibility of opportunities available in unimaginable places and personalities.

To conquer in life, you must recognise and differentiate between a onetime deed and an everyday jolly ignorance. The fact that you’re enjoying the ride doesn’t mean you’re on the right track. Get your heart together and do what is right.

We cannot talk about sin without talking of the roles the sons of God played in creating what we today known as sin.

The general believe is that Adam and Eve brought sin into the world when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden; but the truth is, that was not what brought sin into the world. The act of eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is an act of curiosity exhibited on the platform of groused mistake. Adam and Eve did not bring sin into the world; the sons of God did.

In Gen 6:1-8, it was said that; now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

What brought sin into the world was never Adam and Eve eaten the forbidden fruit, not at all. Neither was it Cain killing his brother Abel as we were told. Sin came into the world when the sons of God started taking the daughters of men and having their sexual desires toward the daughters of men fulfilled.

While eaten the forbidden fruit took Man out of the corner of the earth where he was place and lunched him into bigger space of the earth; man killing man led to man exploring the Earth and making use of the available mineral resources within it; both beneath and above the Earth. Without the action of Eve and Cain, human mind would have remain dormant and if not mistaken unexplored.

Now, I’m not suggesting that killing another human being for whatever reasons are right. Not at all. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying it, if curiosity had not led Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and give the same to Adam to eat, the two of them wouldn’t have discovered the state of their existence and cover themselves up.

From a single act of realizing that they were naked and intuitively taken initiative action to cover themselves up with leaves, an industry was birthed. A multibillion dollar fashion industry was immediately birthed and today, the idea that was unintentionally birthed with leaves is now valued at $1.7 Trillion as of 2023. The fashion market had a growth rate of 5.46% in 2017 and was projected to hit 6.2% by 2020. The United States fashion industry alone is valued at approximately $343.70 Billion. The sub-Saharan Africa fashion market is said to worth $31 Billion with Nigeria contributing 15% to the total region value.

When the religious minds read the account of Adam and Eve, the only thing they see is sin. They never see the opportunities, the life and business opportunities this single acts of Adam and Eve present them with. So unfortunate to see that even today, some religious individuals still condemn some fashion trends and are quickly to tag it an idea from the pity of hell. Some people still believe that Satan is the one behind fashion concepts. Too bad, they have no alternative to present us with. If you think that it’s only fashion industry the actions of Adam and Eve provided us with, then you missed it all.

In Gen 2:15-17 it was said that the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Image what life will be if you are living life without the knowledge of good and evil; meaning, living your life without the knowledge of what is right and wrong. For me, that’ll be a misfit. Do you have an idea of what the worth of knowledge is in the world today? Definitely you have no idea. But to establish some facts, let’s take education as our case study. As of today, the education market globally is projected to by 10.399% resulting in a market volume of $9.55 Billion.

To break it further down, the Global Books Market is currently valued at $140.85 Billion and its expected expand to 173.83 Billion by 2030. This is just books alone. By the time you added the $1.2 Trillion Global Internet Service Provider to these and all other knowledge based sharing platforms and institutions, then you will know that without knowledge no human being can survive this planet. So, before you nailed Adam and Eve for eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; first of all think about the millions of people that are making a living as a result of Adam and Eve’s curiosity tagged sin.

Another opportunity that emerged as a result of this is fruit business. Even though it looks insignificant; fruit business is a business with the worth of $551.1 Billion; poised to grow to $757.65 by 2030.

When you’re too quick to tag something sin, you lost the opportunity to benefit from the underlying factors, principles, ideologies and ideas that brings lasting solutions to human lives and at the same time provide you with financial benefits.

In the heart and mind of the religious people, what Adam and Eve did was committing sin against God; but in the reality of thing, what they actually did was to create a business opportunity that will yield greater investment dividends in the far future; one thing religious mind lacks.

If there is any major thing the religious minds lack is seeing into the future. Even when God is saying to them as He did in Isaiah 41:10 saying; ‘fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Too bad, they’ll still not hear or understand what exactly God was saying here and the reason for that is written in 2 Corinthians 4:4 where it was said that their minds the god of this age has blinded. No wonder Jesus said of them in Matthew13:13-15 saying; ‘seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.’

This is the exact state of anyone filled with religion. They never see anything good in anything and everything around them and their ears are never opened to hearing good things. Everything and anything made to better their lives and make life worth living for them is either tagged sin or it’s from the devil.

Anyone and everyone doing well is either a member of illuminate, secret cult or a ritualist. Religious mind is a deadly mind. It’s a mind that is dead to every available opportunities and connections.

Dressing the garden and cultivating the ground are two different things and if you are diligent and religious mind free, you’ll make more than enough money to live the kind of life you so desire to live.

To dress the garden is the easiest thing to do and the most lucrative job God had ever given to any human been on earth. This was made clear in Genesis 2:15 where it was said that; ‘then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.’ Another translation says; ‘God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order.’

Working as a Gardener and Landscaper is a lucrative business, most especially if you are good with it and not too expensive. In Nigeria, an average Gardener or Landscaper make as much as N1,192,400. In America, the same Gardener or Landscaper earn $37,783 per year or $18,16 cent per hour. In the United Kingdom, the average Gardener or Landscaper salary ranges from £9,271.68 for an apprentice, to £66,937.32 for the owner of a limited company.

Most Gardener, Landscaper, Horticultural or Nursery Growers depends on which one you chose to call them, in Nigeria earn between N23,233 and N106,606 per month as Salary. And as at 2021, the Global Gardener, Landscaping, Horticultural or Nursery Growers Services market was valued at $203,615.5 and it’s expected to reach $207,659.52 by 2027. That is not a small industry I must say.

Now, if such amount of returns are been made on just Landscaping business, imagine what amount of profit one could can cultivating the ground.

Even though the concept of land cultivating was birthed more like as curse as it was said in Genesis 4:12 when God said to Adam; ‘when you cultivate the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you’. For me, what God did was to change his nature of job from keeping the garden to cultivating the ground.

Now, even though it was written in that verse that ‘when you cultivate the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you’; I find that difficult to believe. If this is true and it’s coming from God, then when you plant a seed of any produce in the ground, it’s not supposed to germinate and bring forth harvest. But the result is the reverse. Some farm produce are even surpass the expectations of the farmer, most importantly when the soil is good for cultivation.

But all these little detailed information religion will never allow you to see because the intention of religion is never to liberate you but to imprison you for ever.

Reading same verse in the Message Bible, it reads; ‘you’ll farm this ground, but it will no longer give you its best.’ That I find very hard to believe unless you’re not a good farmer and you have no idea of what it means to keep your land producing every time, all the time.

Religion project God in a bad light. That’s evil and mean.

All the things you’re seeing in the world today, including the phone you’re using, the Televisions in your homes, your cars, jewelleries even clothes you are wearing are all products that comes from someone or some group of people cultivating their land and from the produce they are getting from cultivating their land they gave a product or products to the world and in return they made money.

To cultivate the ground goes beyond just farming. Mining and building are also part of cultivating the ground; and so many people are making more than enough money to take care of their needs.

Farming business, Real Estate business, Construction business or Mining business are huge business that’ll forever bring return on investment if you know what you are doing.

Let’s look at the worth of these industries one after the other to establish simple facts.

The gross production values in Agriculture market is projected to amount to $3.69 Trillion in 2023. The United States of America based Cargill Inc is the leading Agricultural products company in the world by revenue. The company reported revenues of $114,600 Million for the Fiscal year ended June 2021

There are some many countries across the world that are benefiting from Agricultural produces. The same concept and idea that was birthed from something that the religious minds considered as a curse. With China topping the list with 7% of the arable land, directly feeding 22% of the world’s population. The same China struggled to feed its large population in the 20th century. China did not do much, the government simply upgraded the farming policies and technologies which in return made China big-time self-sufficiency and growth.

Vegetables are planted in China, on the roads, and on many building walls; and it’s the largest Rice-producing country in the world. They also produce Soybeans, Kaoliang (Sorghum), Wheat, Millet, and Corn.

The second country is the United States of America; knowing for its Agriculture Science and provides some advanced agriculture technology in the world. United States is said to be the best country when it comes to Agriculture Technology and it remain a role model for many countries across the world in the Agriculture Sector. Developing in the States are scientific soil, crop analysis, more innovative machinery, and increased use of computers.

Agriculture in the United States expanded by 5% every year; with the production of the farming worker increased by 0.84% every year. The country produces the highest amount of Timber; the net exporter of Agricultural Commodities. The United States, Corn was the largest crop that produced an amount of 247,882,000 metric tons, the Soybeans with 74,598,000 metric tons and their Wheat produced an amount of 69,327,000 metric tons. Their major crops are Sugar Cane, Potatoes, Coffee, Sugar Beets, and Bananas.

Time will not permit me to talk about Brazil world’s largest export of Coffee, Beef, Ethanol, and Soybean. Or India that cater for around 58% of livelihood to Indians. As a matter of fact, Agriculture is said to be the primary source of income for half of the population that contributed 17% to 18% to their GDP. For your information, Indian is the largest producer of most of the fruits in the world that includes Bananas, Guava, Mango, Lemon, Papaya, and Vegetables including Chickpea. They also produce Spices too, that include Ginger, Pepper, and Chili.

What the religious mind will process as a curse, is actually a blessing and a business concept if only you can see beyond the written letters and allow the hidden treasure in what is hidden to be revealed to you. Just as it was said in 2 Corinthian 3:5-6 that; ‘not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

You gain full access into the fullness of God, His plans and system He had put in place to make you wealthy when you live life beyond religion and see issues of life beyond sin. Nothing comes to God as a surprise. Religion and sin mentality will continue to place limitations of your life, destiny and fulfilment in life if you cannot or you refused to break yourself free from it.

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