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NUJ messy war: Defend your certificate scandal or resign, Odusile tells Isiguzo

Immediate past National President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Abdulwaheed Odusile and other officers purportedly suspended by the National Executive Council, NEC, has described their suspension as illegal and of no effect. 
The officers through their lawyer O.D Okeke Esq gave the NUJ 21 days to reverse the purported indefinite suspension and publish it in two national dailies. 
Failing to do so, “we shall not hesitate to invoke our client’s right under Section 36 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by having recourse to available but avoidable litigation in the law court.” 
The lawyer warned that his clients cannot be intimidated or cowed by any unconstitutional or illegal conduct by Mr. Chris Isiguzo through NUJ invariably being where his powers starts and ends. 
“Our Clients shall lawfully, legitimately and constitutionally continue to pursue the criminal act of Certificate Forgery by NUJ President Chris Isiguzo no matter whatever antic he employs. 
“We shall not hesitate to bring the full weight of the law against any person or group of persons who attempts to harass, intimidate or criminally interferes with our clients in the performance of their elected duty.” 
In a letter obtained by Sunrise News, dated 01-11-2019 and addressed to the NUJ National Secretary, Barr. Okeke noted that the purported suspension is a clear and flagrant violation criminal breach of Articles 7 and 5 (B) of NUJ Constitution. 
The letter stated that the affected officers were never served any verbal or written notice of allegation against them or giving any opportunity to be heard. 
He expressed shock that an allegation grievous as certificate forgery against the embattled President Mr. Chris Isiguzo was brought to the notice of NEC, yet it chose to turn blind eye by failing to activate Article 7 and investigate the veracity of the certificate allegations. 
“But NEC were so swift to purportedly suspend…is this not a clear case of double standard, different strokes for different members? 
The letter said it is against natural justice (fair hearing) to indict a person for any real, known or imaginary allegation without giving such a person opportunity to be heard. 
“It amounts to abuse of office and fundamental breach of the NUJ constitution by employing selective or different standards in handling the affairs of members. 
“The purported suspension is a punishment unknown to the constitution of NUJ and therefore ultra vires, unconstitutional and of no effect, null and void. No one can place something on nothing and expect it to stand.
“The NUJ constitution did not provide for State of the Nation to be discussed by NEC. Therefore any decision any resolution purportedly reached by NUJ during NEC meetings under State of the Nation amounts to usurpation of the powers of National Delegates Conference, the Supreme authority, of the union. 
NB: “without prejudice to Article 4(a)–(c) above, there shall be a National Conference at least once in every two years, during which the state of the union will be discussed.” 
“The criminal silence on the issue of certificate forgery against the incumbent NUJ President Mr. Chris Isiguzo will continue to hunt NUJ by dragging it’s name, image, and reputation into public ridicule and Odium.”

See the bromide of the original copy of Odusile’s lawyer’s letter to the the NUJ

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