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Ondo extends nose mask deadline by one week

The Government of On­do State has extended by one week, the April 24 deadline for the compulsory use of nose masks.
Consequently, May 1, 2020 is now the com­mencement date of the directive jointly adopted by the Gover­nors of the South We­st Region among other measures, to curb the spread of the CO­VID-19 pandemic.
The shift in the com­mencement date is as a result of the app­arent scarcity of the masks in desirable quantities to effect the enforcement of the directive. Agai­nst this backdrop, Government has intens­ified efforts to pro­duce enough within this period of grace.
Nevertheless, Gov­ernment encourages residents of the State who already have theirs to continue to put on the mask for personal safety and protection.

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