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Ortom’s aide recovers from COVID-19



SUNRISE NEWS, Lagos, July 23, 2020 The Chief of Staff to Governor Samuel Ortom Hon. Terwase Orbunde, has recovered from COVID 19.

Hon Terwase Orbunde, tested positive to the virus two weeks ago and had gone into isolation in line with NCDC protocols.

In a press statement which he personally signed and made available to journalist, Hon Orbunde said another round of test conducted by NCDC returned him negative of the virus.

He tested positive of the virus on July 14, and immediately went into self isolation.

The statement by the Chief of Staff reads “After observing the stipulated protocols and having received the required treatment, I wish to state that officials of the NCDC after conducting other subsequent tests have declared that I am negative and also released me from isolation. I have therefore resumed official duties”.

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