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Pastor Adeboye to the world: Don’t panic

RCCG General Overseer Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, on Sunday assured his spiritual children not to panic, saying he stands on his earlier message that the scourge will soon come to an end.

Pastor Adeboye, while congratulating the RCCG members for adhering to his instruction to fast for 50 days earlier this year, said they should not be afraid of the deadly coronavirus as only those “whose time has come” will become casualties of the pandemic that has killed thousands across the world and is presently ravaging parts of Nigeria.

The General Overseer, who addressed his congregation across the globe via a live broadcast on Sunday morning, speaking on the topic, ‘Peace, be still,’ said; “There is no reason to fear, only those whose time has come will go (die),”

“If Jesus is in your boat, your boat can never sink. But if He is not in your boat, who can you call upon when trouble comes? It is only in the family of God that there is security when trouble comes.”

Pastor Adeboye had last Sunday revealed how God told him earlier in the year that the world would experience a ‘compulsory holiday’, hence his earlier call to church members to undertake a 50-day fast in January.

“I am also on a compulsory holiday. I was supposed to be in four nations this April for ministers’ conferences and Holy Ghost services but now I cannot go. All I do now is wake up in the morning, eat a good meal and enjoy the day. Is that not a good thing?” he said in his latest televised broadcast.

He also took a swipe at those “who criticised him for saying God knew about the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak urging the congregation to “just pray for them”.

‘Siege will soon be over’

Reading from Mark 4, 35-41, Luke 5, 1-7, Prov 1, 24-27, Psalms 35 v 27, Pastor Adeboye said the present siege over the world would soon be over after God intervenes and lessons have been learnt by mankind that God is in control.

He dismissed insinuations in some quarters that the present siege could be a biological weapon released ‘in error’ by unnamed nations.

“So don’t fear. Enjoy the compulsory holiday. I am enjoying mine. When God has proven His point in both the big and small nations and He intervenes, the plague will stop,” Adeboye said.

“The Bible says by His stripes, we are healed. Before he went on the Cross of Calvary, Jesus took 39 stripes…that means Jesus ensured our healing from every known disease and even took an extra stripe to take care of others that were unknown including coronavirus,” he also said.

The church, like many others across the nation, has stopped holding physical services, and resorted to online services in line with the directives of governments to halt mass gathering.

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