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Plusworld renovates Diamonds school’s roof, seeks to partner more public schools

From left; Plusworld Managing Director Mr John Igbaifua, DMS proprietor Mrs Romoke Aderibigbe and Mrs Yahaya at the event.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, aptly called school roof renovation project, PlusWorld Roofing Limited on Tuesday, commissioned a newly renovated roof which was handed over to the management of Diamonds Mine School, Ogba, Ifako-Ijaiye, Lagos.

Plusworld Managing Director Mr John Igbaifua who handed the project over to the school proprietor Mrs Romoke Aderibigbe, said the project is part of the company’s way of impacting on the society and ensuring that pupils learn under a very conducive environment.

According to him, the company as part of its corporate vision intends to carry out renovation works in one thousand public schools across the country, adding that coming to Diamonds Mine School is a part of fulfilling that vision.

He said: “The renovation we carried out here is part of Plusworld’s 1k (one thousand) school project. The 1k school project, which was conceived by all members of my team, is part of our mission to restore one thousand schools’ roof within the next five years.”

Appreciating the partnership with the school, Igbaifua called on organisations and other schools that want to partner with his company to reach across “so that we can restore as many schools as possible within the shortest possible time.”

According to him, the paint used in coating the roof is a special one that cannot be found in the market. They are eco-friendly products, they are not harmful to human habitation but rather protects and prolong life.

“Apart from the fact that this coating has transformed the colour of the roof, it also has an electrosmetic property, which means it has a rubber like property, that seals permanently, All those tiny holes caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun, which might lead to bigger problems like roof leaks etc. Because the property is also ray reflective, it throws back harmful ultra violet rays, making the inside of the house cooler.  You now have a brand new roof that its life time is going to be prolonged,” he said.

He said he is happy to see that pupils of the school can begin to enjoy schooling more as their classrooms temperature would be cooler and learning and assimilation would be better, making teaching even more rewarding.

He said he looks forward to the take-off a school’s YouHub club in Diamonds Mine School, a project which according to him, aims at teaching little kids how to carry out minor repairs, and fix so many things especially in the home on their own, without having to call technicians at every available opportunity.

“We have the YouHub project which teaches little kids how to do little things in the house and we equally teach them about the environment. This is just our own way of giving back to the society.”

The Proprietor Mrs Romoke Aderibigbe thanked the Plusworld Roofing team for bringing the idea of roof renovation to the school.

According to her, though the initiative was targeted at public school, Plusworld Roofing Limited had considered the school worthy because of its commitment to impacting on the lives of school children, thereby improving on the quality of education.

The roof, before being washed by Plusworld Roofing Team.

“We never believed the roof of the school was so dirty until the Plusworld team came and started washing it. When they finished, we were stunned because the school now looks more beautiful and its enhances the general aesthetics of our environment. It is like Plusworld have given us a new roof. All through the exercise we never experienced any disturbance to learning activities and since they finished, our classrooms are cooler than they used to be,” Mrs Aderibigbe said

  Manager YourHub Kids’ Project Mr Oladipo Olatunji said the club offers a lot of goodies for kids and members would have the opportunity of learning so much that they were ignorant of that could be done without having to rely on anyone’s assistance.

The Plusworld Roofing at work.

He said when he and his team first came to the school, they discovered that the roof was very dirty and the inside was too stuffy which is as a result of direct exposure to the sun rays. Generally, it wasn’t conducive to learning, but by the time we finished our restoration, we can say that the heat level has gone down by about 30 percent and the pupils can learn better under that condition as it is cooler and conducive.

One of the pupils of the school, Daniel Chinedu, expressed his happiness and the gratitude of the entire pupils of Diamonds Mine School to the Management of Plusworld for carrying out the restoration and renovation of the school’s roof.

Some of the school children appreciating the Plusworld Roofing team for the initiative.

“Now the roof is very neat and wearing a new colour and I am more comfortable now than before. Now we are safer, we can learn more without any fear of any leakages. Children need a safe place to learn and learn well. As Plusworld has helped us in this school, we believe they can also help others.

“The school now looks more attractive than before, we hope Plusworld would extend this to all schools in the state and beyond so that we all can have a taste of what it means to learn under conducive environment.”

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