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Protect girl child against abuse by paedophiles- Alli-Macaulay tasks society

Peeved by the recurrence of paedophiles reportedly defiling minors even infants in the country, a lawmaker Hon. Mojisolaoluwa Alli-Macaulay has urged perpetrators to desist from such heinous acts, describing it as inimical to an average girl child’s development.

Alli-Macaulay, who chairs the House Committee on Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation hands down the counsel during a chat with newsmen to commemorate the 2022 edition of World International Day for the girl child on Tuesday.

The lawmaker who just celebrated her birthday a day before, notes that it is high time the society allowed the girl child thrive without any form of abuse, defilement or emotional trauma.

“I urge member of the society to show some sense of decorum and respect to the average girl child and let them live and become whatever they want to be successfully.

“I want to advocate that people committing paedophilia, people with the madness and intention to rape should please stop at this point because I am begging now before the law catches up with them.

“I urge them to think of getting something else to do, they should get busy and leave these girls alone because when the mother goes through much pain to raise these girls, in a manner that makes them useful to themselves and by extension to the society and the nation and somebody springs up from no where to abuse them and take advantage of them, then the efforts of you raising your child in a proper manner is defeated.

The lawmaker however, tasked the parents on the need to accord the girl child attention and love, so as to help them grow properly and make the most of their God given potentials.

She also raised eyebrows on the cases of girl child been abused right under the noses of their parents. According to her that underscores how much love and attention is given to the girls, who are vulnerable and thus introduced to sex slavery, early marriages and perceived as sex tools and objects of entertainment.

Speaking to the theme of 2022 celebration of the girl child : Our Time is Now – Our Rights, Our Future’, She cited the issue of parental neglect which tends to open the wards up to incest and all forms of defilement by even their fathers, urging the parents to look inwards and ensure the protection of the girl child.

“Government should always factor the interest of the girl child in the formation of policies, leadership and participation of the girl child in political obligations. The society should accomodate the girls and give them the support and love needed,” Alli-Macaulay reiterated.

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