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Ramadan: Prince Olusi,Cleric harps on responsibility of a true leader

Islamic Cleric, eminent personalities have task Nigerians to train their wards properly, so as to seamlessly groom good future leaders.

This message forms the thrust of the discourse at the 11th Annual Ramadan Lecture and Iftar Sooim,theme: “Leaders Are Reflection of The Society”, organized by Hon. Moshood Oshun,member representing Lagos Mainland II in Lagos State House of Assembly at the Queens College hall Yaba,Lagos.

The Guest lecturer Sheikh Muyideen Ajani Bello in his delivery, took a swipe on the deliberate disconnect between the leaders and their followers especially in the Southwest, citing it as the main reason the fear of God is not in them,compared to their northern contemporaries.

In his view, greed has destroyed our commonly held social values and consequently taken its toll on the nation’s peace and wellbeing.

He charged all present to retrace their steps, citing a political trend amongst the Yoruba people which he unequivocally opposed as anti progress.

“There is a common trend among us,where a personality decides to run for a particular office and we tend to pull him down with negative comments.

“This is anti progress and may pose grave consequences for us in there nearest future, if we did not stop it”. He said.

Prince Tajudeen Oluyole Olusi, who chairs the Lagos State Governor Advisory Council (GAC) in his chat with newsmen at the lecture emphasized the importance of leaders in the society,stating in clear terms what roles are expected of them.

“An elected representative of the people has the responsibility to Minister to the needs of the people.

“People want employment, housing and security. It is also important for us to inculcate in the people believe in the almighty Allah who provides everything.

“ So Ramadan period is a period for the muslims to be alive to the responsibility of being honest, of being our brothers keeper and the responsibility of being loyal to the government at any time.

The organizer of the lecture, Hon Oshun was particular about the need to train up a child right from cradle, an idea he referred as cardinal for having a well rounded society at the long run.
“Leadership stems from the society so we need start from the home, you don’t train a child when he or she is thirty, you start when such is still a toddler because that is the formative years.
“So when we talk of leadership, let’s go back home and do the right thing at home so as to have the nation we deserve.

Oshun counseled further on the roles expected from electorates concerning the emergence of woud be leaders.
“The first thing is we all have a role to play in the kind of leaders we get, you have a PVC and that PVC is your power, so all we are saying is go to the polling booth, choose the right person, not the richest person don’t vote on sentiments.

“Chose the right person that you know will represent your interest and that of the state, not his own interest and pocket.

“Also ensure you don’t sell your votes, because when you collect money from politicians to vote for them you are encouraging them to go and steal more, because they know that next election you are still going to demand for money.

“When you select leaders based on conviction,capability, integrity,accessibility, the that leader will be accessible and accountable to you.

He knows he is holding the mandate in trust for you, don’t look for the richest candidate but the right candidate who has the record of honesty,integrity and ready to serve.

To the faithful I appeal to you, what you used to do but you have stopped during Ramadan please put an end to it permanently.

“If you and I treat one another in a nice manner not minding religion then we will have a nation of our dream.”

Hon Rotimi Abiru Lagos State House of Assembly member representing Somolu II constituency who was also there to grace the lecture spoke glowingly about the essence of Ramadan and need to do lots of charitable works during the period.

Abiru said: “The essence of the Ramadan period is that it is a period when a lot of good deeds is expected from the Moslem faithful like the Tafsir and lecture here today.
“It is very significant because the followership moulds leaders, it determines the kind of leadership we have and what is expected of that leader.

“It is quite challenging for those in the place of authority because there are so many things that is demanded of us.

“Some that are not even within our means to do but for the fact that we are responsible to the people we try as much as possible to wanna satisfy their needs,yearnings and aspirations.

“In the course of doing that you may go overboard yourself, looking for favours where you are not suppose to. But for the pressure of those you are actually overseeing and it is quite hard.
“In all it is very good for us to know that almighty Allah is sufficient for all of us”. Abiru said.
The Managing Director LAGSFERRY Hon. Abdulbaqui Balogun also speaking at the programme, stressed the import of the season while urging all Nigerians to cohabit peacefully with one another.

“There was a disconnection between the leaders and the led are we where we ought to be? Leadership is the cause so we fail to do certain things we need do right.

“It is because we are not following the laid down precepts in the holy books that we found ourselves where we are.

“There ought not to be war, famine,poverty and starvation amongst the people but because we fail to do the needful.

“We need move closer to God and have the fear of God.” Baqui said.

A popular Fuji artiste Alhaji Ajibola Pasuma was also on hand to charge people to radiate love amongst themselves, in his view God dwells where peace reigns.

“We pray Nigeria peace be restored to how it was before particularly for our children and upcoming generations sake.

“I think the youth need get more involved in the polity so as to ensure everything comes back to normal, we need youths to move us forward.

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