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Ramadan: Social vices, what Nigeria must do differently- Stakeholders

By Olanrewaju Adesanya

Nigerians and governments at different levels in the country, have been charged to be much more alive to their responsibilities in ensuring a vices free nation.

This forms the focus of discourse at the 12th Ramadan Lecture and special prayer for the nation put together by the Abdulwaheed Islamic Foundation theme, “ Societal ills and Corruption; the Islamic Solution”, held on Sunday at Tam Royal Hall,Kosofe Lagos.

The Guest Speaker Sheikh Barr. Ridwan Ibrahim Olagunju from University of Ilorin in his lecture on the theme of the gathering, unequivocally chastised all participants on the need to buckle up and salvage the country, as the grave consequences, their inertness poses is clearly disastrous.

In his view the festering tentacles of corruption need be urgently stemmed, being the bane of our national development.

“If the tentacles of corruption is growing as it is being witnessed in our nation even the righteous in the society would not be spared from the wrath of Allah.” Sheikh Olagunju retorted.

Delivering the keynote speech at the forum, representative of National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Chairman Gen. Buba Marwa, the Assistant state commandant,Media and Advocacy of the Lagos command, Mr. Musa Abdullahi Manu lauded the advocacy platform- Abdulwaheed Islamic Foundation offered the agency while charging other groups to emulate the noble idea.

Manu said: “I am overwhelmed by the efforts of the foundation, I also attest to the fact that they’ve been a wonderful partner.

“ I am delighted because this is what we want with other stakeholders, so the foundation has assumed the critical stakeholders status in the war against drug abuse in Nigeria.

“With this kind of campaign, drug abuse can be eradicated. We got it wrong right from the home,once the home is cleansed it permeates all other strata of the society.

“The home front needs be rejjiged to address this ugly trend. We should go back to our old ethics,in time past if you smoke cigarettes you are seen as an outcast but now the person who does not smoke is seen more like an outcast.”

Former member of House of Representatives Kosofe Federal Constituency, and Chairman of the day, Honourable Yacoub Bush Alebiosu spoke passionately about ensuring a functional society.

Alebiosu-Bush said: “It is important to first of all know why people are getting addicted to drugs, we have to take into consideration the four chemicals responsible for happiness,these are: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.

“We produce this naturally but in small quantities,some of them are referred to as happy hormone,what triggers them? Hugging, exercise,cooking,planning,romantic-get-aways.

“It is not about waging war against the users but how do we create a situation,such environment where happiness happens without having to be sold to drugs.

“People were not induced to come here, but will eventually leave here with something, so people are happy to come, I think it is something that should go beyond Ramadan,maybe something that happens on a quarterly basis.

“I understand that it can be capital intensive but it is something we can achieve, when we all put hands together and that is why I am happy with what people are doing,stepping out to contribute their widows might.

“I see children whom will be leaders of tomorrow in this nation, it is important we begin to plan that seed now.This is where I was born and also grew up, became a father too,I can only wish Kosofe the best.

“The youth only want to be happy, government should know that, so the youths need to push forward somebody to represent them, people who understand the problems.

“It goes beyond poverty alleviation in quote, it is about a future, the best poverty alleviation is the creation of a better future.” He said.

The Principal Guest of Honour at the religious forum, Hon.Femi Saheed the member representing Kosofe II constituency at the Lagos State House of Assembly, who also in the spirit of Ramadan did some charitable work at the event, opined that all strata of the society need to deliberately play their roles, so as to check the menace of substance abuse, corruption and thuggery.

“The 12th Abdulwaheed Islamic Foundation Ramadan lecture is revealing and thoughtful as it address,thuggery which has really raised a lot of dysfunctional acts in our society, posing debilitating effects on society and the nation today.

“So if all the lessons learnt in the twelve series of this lecture is inculcated into our system, I think Nigeria will be a better country.

“The only way we can eradicate or reduce corruption in our society, is for us to go back to the family as a whole and start teaching our children good moral behaviour with that I think Nigeria will move up to becoming a better society.

“Drugs, corruption,not paying good attention to our children is really affecting the Nigerian society today, so if all these lessons are imbibed into our system today I think Nigeria is in for a better future.

“Sensitisation method by way of lecture like this, good advocacy programmes, right from the school down to the family, educate people on their rights or on the use of drugs,I think when we tackle it from the base we will get it to the top and get it right.

“At the level of the state Assembly we’ve passed anti-cultism law,drug advocacy law so we on our own are sensitizing, advocating, putting bills and motions in place to ensure we have a functional society.

Mrs. Tiamiyu Aisha Assistant Director with National orientation agency, Lagos State and regular representative of the agency since the inception of the Foundation’s activities commended the initiative which said has impacted the people greatly.

“Misuse of drugs in itself drugs abuse, this foundation is doing immensely well for the people, I think the frequency of such gathering should be more often than a yearly affair.

“The people tend to learn alot and this has ripple effect on the society at large leading to a vices free environment.”

The event witnessed a large turnout of faithful who were observing the fast, many of them noted that the forum being an annual affairs is something they always look forward for with much enthusiasm.

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