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Sallah Message: Yobe Governor asks prayers for improved security

Gov Mai Mala Buni

By Olukayode Michael, Damaturu

Yobe Governor, Alhaji Mai-Mala Buni has called for prayers for improved security, unity, peace and socio-economic development of Nigeria.
The governor, in his Eid-el-Kabir message sent in from Saudi Arabia where he is presently performing the Holy Pilgrimage, asked that: “As part of the lessons of the Eid, we should emulate the examples set by Ibrahim and Ismail (AS) by sacrificing for the good of society and by obeying Allah’s commandments wholeheartedly.”
He said: “We should therefore strive for the attainment of a happy society where we are all our brother’s keepers. This will serve to strengthen our quest for a harmonious, peaceful, disciplined, and just society.”
“I urge all our citizens to continue to uphold the ties that bind all of us either as Muslims or followers of other religions together by showing and exhibiting the well cherished values of respect, kindness, love, generosity and faithfulness in furtherance of our collective wellbeing,” Buni said.
He added that: “I wish to stress that our administration will remain focused and committed to implementing programmes that will take our State to the Next Level in keeping with the policy pronouncements that I made earlier.
“I urge all our people to work with commitment, dedication and make meaningful contributions to enable us collectively build a very robust, vibrant and prosperous State, where all of us will be proud to belong and proud to live in.”
The governor further said that: “In order to achieve our objectives of post-insurgency rehabilitation and peace building following the security challenges that we have faced, I appeal to our citizens to remain vigilant and report the movement of any suspicious individuals or groups to security agencies for necessary action.”

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