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Show love to the poor, needy on my birthday, says TB Joshua

Prophet TB Joshua

By Dare Adejumo

PROPHET TB Joshua have urged Christian faithful to love one another and lift one another, especially the needy as he marks his 57th birthday tomorrow.

In a special statement on his birthday, which coincidentally falls on Nigeria’s democracy day, Prophet TB Joshua says God wants him to celebrate the event this year’s celebration with the poor and the needy in the society, urging his followers all over the world to join him in spreading the message of love and the world of God to the world.

Addressing viewers of the Emmanuel TV the Man of God said: “Birthdays are a time to reflect on the memories of yesterday, the joys of today and the dreams of tomorrow. Viewers, I want to thank you for your prayers and your love.

“Many waters cannot quench love. Viewers, what does this love I am talking about look like?

Love that has feet to move to the needy, to move to the sick ones, to move to the hungry ones.

Love that has hands to help others without expectation.  Love that has eyes to see misery and want. Love that has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.”

He said the only way to have a friend is to be one. Many T.B. Joshuas are orphans. Let us father them. Many T.B. Joshuas are homeless. Let us shelter them. Many T.B. Joshuas are sick. Let us care for them. Many T.B. Joshuas are lonely. Let us be their companion.

My friends, let the feelings of others matter to us. ‘Will these children not go to school? How can these people be lonely and homeless?’ There are many sick ones, hungry people, widows and orphans in our communities. Let us care for them.

Let me leave you with this word of exhortation. Matthew 25:40 – “And the king will tell them, ‘I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ ” Viewers, what does this mean? Whatsoever you do to the least one, that you do to God. Happy birthday.

Let us pray. Viewers, by the authority of the Scripture, I proclaim a mighty blessing upon your life. I proclaim a mighty blessing upon your now! I proclaim a mighty blessing upon your future. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, as we celebrate according to Your instruction, give us the vision we should have for our lives. Give us the faith and the courage to dream big, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Happy Birthday” – TB Joshua

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