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SPECIAL REPORT: The Radiology Department at UMTH


By James Bwala

The University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) in Borno state, northeastern Nigeria, has upgraded its Radiology department, transforming the medical facility into a top-tier hospital. The Chief Medical Director and his team’s suggestion for updating the department gave both doctors and patients a level of satisfaction as well as improved patient care and treatment. While it gave doctors a new starting point for encouraging their contributions, the concept has generated better results for enduring patient care and a positive relationship with their providers.

By developing a leadership style in hospital administration that is above the level of his predecessors in the medical industry, Professor Ahmed Ahidjo has inscribed his name in stone and on the rock of history. His approach to assuring better equipment and personnel updates put him in the spotlight of conversation among coworkers, his patients, and hospital visitors as many had confessed to one thing or another about how much they valued his commitment to duty.

I must admit that, prior to meeting Professor Ahmed Ahidjo, the CMD University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital in Borno state, my awareness of radiology was limited to the X-ray, according to a liberal man’s conventional conception of this unexplored field of study. Like any other who might visit a hospital, observe doctors performing their duties, and draw the conclusion that one does not need to know as such, no issues are raised regarding what typically should be of knowledge in the society that is becoming more and more knowledge-driven.

Now, I discovered that the medical specialty of radiology uses imaging technology for both disease diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology are two subfields of radiology. Interventional Radiology expert, Professor Ahmed Ahidjo is the CMD University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. I still have trouble telling apart radiology specialists from other doctors. I just know them as radiologists, and I appreciate the HoD Dr. Mohammed Sani Ahmadu’s help with the tutoring during an interview. The need for a specific report on this department was motivated by the CMD’s frequent references to the department of radiology at the UMTH as being his professional area of calling.

My awareness of this department and its significance to the medical field has grown as a result of our brief engagement, and I now consider it to be the lifeblood of the medical industry. Professor Ahidjo and Dr. Ahmadu, the department head, both led my colleagues and I around the department while outlining in detail the impact of the Radiology department on hospital settings in general. I’m convinced that at the very least, I can inform someone outside the hospital about this department and the contribution it makes to arriving at the correct diagnosis.

Diagnostic radiology, as described in the characters of this concept, aids medical professionals in seeing structures inside the human body. Diagnostic radiologists are medical professionals who specialize in the interpretation of these pictures. With the use of the diagnostic photographs, the radiologist or other medical professionals can frequently: Keep track of how effectively the body is reacting to a disease or condition treatment.

Screening for conditions like breast cancer, colon cancer, or heart disease is beneficial. The most typical kinds of radiological diagnostic tests include: The term “computed tomography” (CT) is also used for CAT scans, which include CT angiography. Upper gastrointestinal and barium enema fluoroscopy. MRI and MR angiography are terms for magnetic resonance imaging (MRA). Mammography Positron emission tomography, also known as PET imaging, PET scan, or PET-CT when it is combined with CT, is a branch of nuclear medicine that includes tests like a thyroid scan, bone scan, and thallium cardiac stress test. Plain x-rays, which include chest x-rays, are another branch of nuclear medicine.

Interventional radiologists are medical professionals who use imaging techniques like fluoroscopy, MRI, ultrasound, and CT to help direct treatments. When introducing catheters, wires, and other tiny tools and devices into a patient’s body, the imaging aids the physician. Typically, this permits for smaller incisions (cuts). Instead of directly peering inside the human body with a scope (camera) or with open surgery, doctors can use this technology to detect or treat diseases in nearly any portion of the body.

Interventional radiologists frequently treat malignancies or tumors, artery and vein obstructions, uterine fibroids, back discomfort, liver issues, and renal issues. A very small or no incision will be made by the doctor. After the surgery, the patients almost never need to stay in the hospital.

Most people simply require mild sedation (medicines to help them relax). Angiography or angioplasty, stent implantation, and other similar operations are examples of interventional radiology procedures. Embolization for bleeding control, Cancer treatments including tumor embolization using chemoembolization or Y-90 radioembolization, Tumor ablation with radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, or microwave ablation, kyphoplasty with vertebroplasty needle biopsies of several organs, including the thyroid and lungs, Feeding tube implantation, uterine artery embolization, stereotactic or ultrasound-guided breast biopsy, and the insertion of venous access catheters such ports and PICCs.

As we moved between diagnostic points, all the aforementioned lectures were being given as we observed all the necessary equipment and the reasons the hospital required it. In addition, Professor Ahidjo offers interesting anecdotes about how he approached organizations and individuals with good intentions to help realize this idea. The major changes in administration and clinical experiences that are currently being observed in the hospital were not anticipated prior to 2018, when he took over as CMD.

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