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UNICEF laments death of one of the abducted students in Tegina

UNICE Nigeria

Published By Olukayode Idowu

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has lamented the death of one of students abducted at Salihu Tanko Islamiya School Tegina, in Niger State.

The organisation also said it was relived that 91 other students, abducted and held in captivity three months ago at the school had been released.

A statement on Saturday quoted UNICEF Representative in Nigeria, Peter Hawkins to have lamented that: “Children who went in search of knowledge were abducted at their school – which is supposed to be a safe place for them – while exercising their fundamental right to an education.”

He decried that: “They spent 88 days in the hands of their abductors before being freed yesterday. It is a tragedy and utterly unacceptable that one of these children died in captivity.”

The dead student, Hayatu Hashimu was just 6 years old at the time of his death.

Hawkins said: “We rejoice with the families whose children have been freed – and express our deepest condolences to little Hayatu’s family, who have just suffered the worst loss on top of the tragedy they have gone through for the last 88 days.”

He said: “No family should lose a child just because it took the right decision to send that child to school. Schools should not be a target. Children should not be a target. Education is a fundamental right of every child and any attack on an educational institution is a violation of that right.”

“We reiterate our call to authorities take all necessary measures to ensure schools are safe for all children,” the UNICEF head said.

UNICEF said it will work with partners to provide mental health, psychosocial support and counselling services to both the freed learners and their parents.

An estimated 200 Nigerian students are believed to still be held after school abductions that have plagued the country since December 2020. More than 1,000 have been abducted in these attacks from December 2020 to date.

The release of the Tegina students comes in the run-up to the International Day to Protect Education from Attack, on 9 September.

Nigeria is set to host the Fourth International Conference on the Safe Schools Declaration on 25-27 October 2021.

The theme of the Conference is “Ensuring Safe Education for All: From Commitment to Practice”. The Safe Schools Declaration, a political commitment to protect education during armed conflict, has been endorsed by 108 states – including Nigeria.

The October Conference will be the first to be held in Africa and provide an opportunity to galvanise support for, and accelerate implementation of, the Declaration by bringing together governments, practitioners, and civil society to share good practice and strengthen cooperation to save lives and safeguard the right to education for all.

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