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Universal Human Values

Sam Adeoye

By Sam Adeoye

A friend on Facebook by the name of Sade Wright made a post with a picture of Sculpted hands joining together; and she wrote, “This sculpture’s name is “Tendiendo Puentes” (Building Bridges) by the Italian sculptor and former actor Lorenzo Quinn. The sculpture is situated in the eastern Castello district of Venice, Italy. Each of the hands symbolizes different human values and represents the union in critical times. The bridge represents the six essential universal human values: Friendship, Wisdom, Solidarity, Faith, Hope and Love.”

Her post inspired this article and I dedicate this article to everyone across the planet who understands, practices and lives the life of what “human values” means. Universal Human Values I’ve come to realise are core and fundamental principles that are inherent in all individuals across the planet, regardless of cultural or societal differences. They serve as a moral compass, guiding individuals in their behaviour and interactions with others.

  1. Justice: The concept of fairness, equality, and balanced treatment for all individuals. The principle is that individuals should be treated fairly and lawfully, and all should have equal access to protection and opportunities.
  2. Equality: Upholding the rights and dignity of all people, without discrimination or prejudice. This is one major aspect of life where religion and politics have systematically destroyed our society, forcefully placing one gender above the other. Forgetting the fact that God created all humans equal and dominion was not given to Man over his fellow human beings but over the animals, fishes and birds. Therefore, if any Man exercises dominancy over you, it is simply because you’re his domestic pet. The question is, are you an animal, fish, bird or human being?
  3. Integrity: Acting with honesty, ethical principles, and consistency; upholding truthfulness in all actions and interactions. A person of no integrity is a person of no future. You can only lie to people and get away with it once; you can never fool people forever. There is a need for us all to be a person others can trust and rely upon.
  4. Respect: Respecting oneself and others, treating everyone with dignity and consideration. Accepting and appreciating diversity, allows individuals to differ in their perspectives, beliefs, faith and cultures without discrimination or prejudice. This is one aspect of life where I have issues with religious individuals claiming which religion is superior to the other and accepted by God. My question is, how do you know which faith God accepted or rejected?
  5. Compassion: Showing understanding and empathy towards the sufferings and needs of others, and taking steps to alleviate them. Showing concern for the suffering of others and having a desire in our hearts to alleviate it is what makes us human. In Luke 7:13-15 a story of Compassion was told between Jesus Christ and a Woman and Doctor Luke said; “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.” So many people have existed because someone refused to show them Compassion and they failed to.
  6. Responsibility: Taking ownership of one’s actions and the impact they have on others. This is where so many people fail in life. A larger percentage of humans have no idea of what it means to be responsible not to talk of being responsible for themselves or others. This error is paramount among religious individuals who often believe that God will make everything happen for them. Unfortunately, that’s not the truth. There are some levels of responsibility required from us as a person to fulfil our purpose in life and life. As my grandmother will say, if you leave everything for God to handle for you, you’ll fail. But if you commit your ways to God and allow Him to guide you, then you’ll succeed. Take responsibility for your life and be responsible for yourself and others around you e.g. your family.
  7. Freedom: Respecting and protecting individual rights and liberties. If you are not permitted to freely express yourself in a gathering or with someone, then you’re a Prisoner. If people are not free to be themselves around you, then you’re a Jail lord. What makes you human is your right to be free to be yourself and the right others have around you to be themselves. Anything outside of these is a potential killer to kill and destroy anyone. Freedom means life. The opportunity to discover and rediscover yourself daily. Freedom is the right of individuals to exercise their autonomy and make choices that reflect their values and preferences, as long as it doesn’t harm others.
  8. Courage: Demonstrating bravery and strength in the face of challenges or difficulties. This is one aspect of life many have not had the opportunity to attain and might never have the opportunity to attain because they cannot know who they are and what they can stand. So, rather than running towards a challenge when it occurs, they run from it. And in my estimation, the challenges you run away from will continue to chase after you, but the ones you confront will surely run away from you. But the question is, do we have the needed courage to withstand the challenges that are stirring at us in the eyes?
  9. Tolerance: Accepting and recognizing the diversity of beliefs, opinions, and cultures without discrimination or judgment. This is one of the major problems in the world intolerance. Everyone thinks and believes that their beliefs are true and whatever every other person believes is not. That’s wrong. One person’s beliefs or opinions can never be true to everyone. The Laws in the United States of America are never the same as in the United Kingdom but for the two countries to work together, accepting and recognizing the differences in their laws must be carefully considered and adhered to.
  10. Honesty: Fostering transparency, sincerity, and truthfulness in speech and behaviour. This is one aspect of life where many have failed and still failing. Honesty and integrity sound the same, but they are not. While honesty means uprightness, morality, trustworthiness, goodness, scrupulousness, decency, rectitude, and righteousness; integrity on the other hand means, honesty, truth, truthfulness, honour, veracity, reliability and uprightness. Now, you don’t have to be a religious person to possess any of these qualities; you just have to be a human being. The question then is, are you are human being?
  11. Peace: The aspiration for a harmonious coexistence and non-violence between individuals and nations. Three major things are the cause of violence in the world; religion, politics and policies. All religions in the world breed their members to hate other fellows that belong to another religion and treat them less as humans. The world’s religious leaders are the number one enemies of peace in our world, society and community. They preach and teach about love and tolerance in their religions, but their actions and deeds say otherwise. Political leaders force themselves on people and the moment they get to office, they come up with policies that are meant to put the citizens under their control and eliminate their enemies even if and when the target is an employer of labour. We need peace in our world, and the reality of it must begin with us all.
  12. Dignity. Recognizing and upholding the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. Regardless of their social status, race, religion, or nationality. A person who has no respect for himself/herself will never have respect for others. Dignity I’ve come to realise to be self-respect, self-esteem, poise, pride, self-possession and self-worth. We all need these qualities if we’re to go far in life. Many who possessed them already are considered to be prideful. My dear, enjoy you. Lowering your standard of life for someone who has none simply means you have none yourself. Live your life and be happy with yourself. Just be careful not to turn what is meant for your lifting into your downfall.
  13. Friendship and solidarity: Promoting trust, support, and cooperation among individuals and communities. In life, not so many people can tell who their friends are. But so many can tell if they are friends to someone or not. As the world grows bigger and wider, the possibility of having a true friend grows slimmer as everyone is kit-ready looking for what to grab to survive. Life is gradually becoming a competition rather than a completion; completing and complementing each other’s dreams and efforts. We might not have a friend, but we must remain a friend. As I often said, don’t demand from others what you’d not made available for them.

We need to note that while these values are considered universal, interpretations and prioritizations may vary across different cultures and individuals. Universal Human Values provide the basis for the understanding and establishment of common ethical standards and have played a significant role in the development of human rights and the promotion of equality and justice worldwide.


Friendship is a core value that is widely recognized across cultures and societies. It refers to the interpersonal bond and mutual affection, trust, and support between individuals. Friendship values encompass several important aspects, including

  1. Empathy and Understanding: An understanding of each other’s feelings, emotions, and perspectives, along with the ability to provide support, comfort, and encouragement when needed.
  2. Trust and Honesty: Mutual trust is fundamental in any friendship, along with open and honest communication free from judgments or deceit.
  3. Loyalty and Reliability: A true friend remains loyal and dependable, committed to being there for each other in both good and tough times.
  4. Acceptance of Differences: Recognizing and embracing each other’s differences, accepting flaws and imperfections without judgment, and respecting each other’s individuality.
  5. Respect and Boundaries: Respect personal boundaries, opinions, and choices while treating each other with respect and consideration.
  6. Shared Activities and Support: Spending time together engaging in shared interests, providing support and companionship, and celebrating each other’s successes.
  7. Equality and Reciprocity. An equal give-and-take dynamic, where both parties contribute to the relationship and offer support and understanding to each other.

Friendship values form the foundation of fulfilling and enriching relationships, supporting emotional well-being, personal growth, and a sense of belonging. No matter the cultural or social context, the value of friendship is regarded as mutually beneficial and essential for individuals’ happiness and overall quality of life.


Wisdom can be considered both a personal value and a universal value that is highly regarded across cultures. It refers to the ability to apply knowledge, experience, and understanding to make wise and informed choices and decisions. Key aspects and values associated with wisdom include:

  1. Knowledge and learning: Striving for continual growth and accumulation of knowledge through education, study, and life experiences.
  2. Critical thinking: Utilizing logical and rational thinking to analyze and evaluate information, seeking a deeper understanding and finding solutions.
  3. Open-mindedness: Remaining open to new ideas, perspectives, and diverse viewpoints, willingly considering alternative viewpoints and being receptive to continuous learning.
  4. Emotional intelligence: Developing Self-awareness and empathy, understanding and managing emotions effectively, and navigating relationships with compassion and wisdom.
  5. Responsiveness: Being adaptable and flexible to adjust to challenging circumstances, making informed choices and taking appropriate action in response to situations.
  6. Judicious decision-making: Weighing the consequences and potential outcomes of actions, making considered and thoughtful choices that are based on sound reasoning and long-term sustainability.
  7. Reflectiveness: Cultivating introspection and self-reflection to gain deeper insights and learn from past experiences to avoid repeating mistakes and make better choices in the future.
  8. Self-discipline: Developing self-control and the ability to delay gratification, making choices aligned with long-term goals and values rather than instant desires.
  9. Humility: Recognizing one’s limitations and being open to recognizing wisdom in others, valuing diverse perspectives, cultures, and the collective wisdom of societies.

Wisdom is often regarded as an aspired value, strived for throughout a lifetime. It encompasses the ability to make sound judgments and choices, to grow and evolve as individuals, and to contribute positively to societies and the greater good.


Solidarity is a value that underscores the importance of unity, collaboration, and support among people and communities, especially in challenging or unjust circumstances. It involves recognizing and addressing the common struggles and injustices of others as one’s own and taking collective action for the betterment of all. Values associated with solidarity include:

  1. Empathy and Compassion: Having a genuine concern for the well-being of others, being able to understand their experiences and demonstrating compassion towards them.
  2. Equity and Social Justice: Acknowledging and addressing systemic inequalities and working towards achieving a fair and just society, where everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
  3. Collaboration and Cooperation: It involves individuals and groups coming together, working collectively towards common goals, pooling resources, and sharing responsibilities to achieve a greater impact.
  4. Advocacy: Advocating for the rights, needs, and aspirations of marginalized or oppressed individuals and communities, driven by a belief in standing together for justice and equality.
  5. Equality and Inclusivity: Promoting inclusivity and embracing diversity, respecting and valuing people from various backgrounds and identities, enabling everyone to participate fully and equally in society.
  6. Collective Responsibility: Recognizing collective responsibility for the welfare of the community and society as a whole, considering the consequences of actions and decisions impacting others, and contributing to the greater good.
  7. Support and Empowerment: Offering support to those in need, whether practical, emotional, or psychological, and promoting the empowerment of individuals and communities to overcome challenges and build sustainable livelihoods.
  8. Solidarity among Movements: Recognizing the Interconnectedness of social, political, and environmental issues and collaborations among different movements fighting for justice, peace, and sustainability.

Solidarity encompassing mutual support and collaboration helps to create diverse, resilient, and harmonious communities. It goes beyond individual transactions and fosters collective identity, unity, resilience, and positive social change. A society built on solidarity values seeks to create a fairer, more peaceful, and sustainable world for everyone.


Values of faith are centrally centred around the belief and trust in a higher power or spiritual existence. These values often guide individual beliefs and actions, forming a fundamental aspect of one’s identity and worldview. Important values associated with faith can include:

  1. Belief and Trust: Having faith involves a deep conviction and trust in the existence, teachings, and principles of a higher power, religious figures, or spiritual teachings.
  2. Hope: Faith instils hope, providing a positive outlook and trust in the greater purpose, design, and meaning of life, even in the face of challenges, adversity, and uncertainty.
  3. Devotion and Dedication: Religious and spiritual values often include a commitment to live by the beliefs and teachings, seeking spiritual growth and fulfilment.
  4. Love and Compassion: Faith often encourages kindness, love, and compassion towards all living beings, rooted in the belief in universal brotherhood and interconnectedness.
  5. Morality and Ethics: Many faith traditions provide ethical frameworks and principles guiding individual behaviour, fostering qualities like fairness, honesty, generosity, and forgiveness.
  6. Community and Fellowship: Faith can foster a sense of belonging and encourage active participation within religious or spiritual communities to support, encourage, and worship together.
  7. Rituals and Worship: Faith is often expressed through rituals, sacraments, prayer, or ceremonies, providing a sense of connection and dedication to the higher power or spiritual practice.
  8. Serving Others: Faith calls for attention to the needs of others and selflessly serves and supports those less fortunate, motivated by the belief in social justice, equality, and the Intrinsic value of every individual.
  9. Personal Transformation: Many faith traditions embody a desire for internal growth, emphasizing self-examination, humility, introspection, forgiveness, and striving for higher virtues or spiritual maturity.

While interpretations and expressions of faith differ among individuals and religious/spiritual traditions, these values form the ethical and moral compass by which believers shape their behaviour and relationships with others and navigate their spiritual journey.


Values of hope include:

  1. Optimism: A positive outlook and belief in the possibility of a better future; even when everything about you speaks otherwise.
  2. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity and maintain hope.
  3. Foresight: The capacity to envision future possibilities and set goals.
  4. Courage: Having the bravery and determination to pursue and maintain hope in challenging times.
  5. Perseverance: The willingness to continue striving towards a desired outcome even in the face of obstacles.
  6. Belief. A deep conviction that things can and will Improve.
  7. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others, promoting mutual hope and support.
  8. Trust. Having faith and confidence in oneself and others.
  9. Adaptability: Being open to change and flexible in finding new approaches to achieve desired outcomes.
  10. Compassion: Showing kindness and support towards oneself and others, fostering a sense of hope and understanding.


Love can be defined in many ways, as it encompasses a wide range of emotions, experiences, and attitudes towards oneself and others. Generally, love involves deep affection, attachment, compassion, care, and a desire for intimacy and emotional connection with another person. It can be either romantic love between partners, love for family and friends, or even a more universal love for humanity. Love often includes a genuine interest in the well-being and happiness of the loved one and may involve feelings of tenderness, devotion, and even sacrifice. Ultimately, love is a complex and unique experience that can vary from person to person.

Love for humanity, sometimes referred to as ‘philanthropic love, is a broad form of love that comprises feelings of compassion, empathy, and care for all human beings. It goes beyond individual connections and extends towards the well-being and welfare of humanity as a whole.

Love for humanity involves recognizing and valuing the inherent dignity, worth, and equality of every person, and acting on this belief by seeking social justice, equality, and opportunities for all. It inspires individuals to act in ways that promote fairness, kindness, and support for others, promoting human rights, fighting against discrimination, and addressing pressing societal issues such as poverty, hunger, or human rights abuses.

In essence, love for humanity urges individuals to embrace our common humanity and to foster a more humane and empathetic world where every life is appreciated, valued, and allowed to flourish. Values of love include:

  1. Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, showing compassion and support
  2. Kindness: showing affection, care, and consideration towards oneself and others.
  3. Forgiveness: letting go of grudges and resentment, fostering understanding and healing
  4. Selflessness: putting the needs and well-being of others ahead of oneself.
  5. Respect treating oneself and others with dignity, consideration, and importance.
  6. Honesty: being truthful, genuine, and sincere in our interactions and relationships.
  7. Trust having faith and confidence in others, believing in their goodwill.
  8. Loyalty. Staying committed and dedicated to the ones we love, offering enduring support and reliability.
  9. Acceptance, embracing others for who they are, without judgment or discrimination.
  10. Patience: understanding and being tolerant of imperfections, practising understanding, and having forbearance.
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