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We strive to be the best in logistics at Henog Global

Henog Globla Logistics CEO Mr Henry Ogbonna,

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Henog Global Logistics Mr. Henry Ogbonna, started his logistics company two years ago. In an interview with Sunrise News Transportation Reporter, CLIFFSIMEON AKALONU, he revealed the secret of his business success

What motivated you to go into logistics business?

What motivated me was, after my university education, I found myself in the system. My bosses were ladies and I saw how they vigorously made sure operations are running smoothly. I saw the challenges and what they were doing, so I said to myself that this is what I can actually do if these ladies can do such and achieve positive results then, I can do better. This motive was what gave birth to HENOG GLOBAL LOGISTICS in 2018.

What are the challenges so far?

One of the major challenges we have is clients. For example, when you send items abroad and it has not gotten to the point of delivery, clients will be on your neck calling every minute and then. Some even go on social media and write ill things about us and calling us scam. It is not an easy task for a baby company to win the heart of the masses. It is a gradual process that takes a lot of patience. Secondly, our Nigerian banks are not supportive to Small and Medium Businesses (SMB), by not giving us loans to do business, but only believes in the big companies who are ready to pump in money into their bank. By God’s grace, we were able to manage and cope with what we have.

What is the level of patronage ?

We have been getting patronage to an acceptable percentage, especially in the areas of export. It might also interest you to know that we have done more than 200 exports for 2019 alone.

What is your unique selling point?

What we do differently from what others are doing is, a tracking platform thoroughly put in place to monitor the shipment of our clients and clients too can monitor their shipment regardless of their where they are located. We also do 5% discount on items that is 0.5 to 2kg for customers who are able to do minimum of 20 international delivery in a month. You can as well call it a promo.

How do you think logistics in Nigeria can improve?

Gone are those days when people believe that logistics is all about just moving things around from one place to the other. There are many ways we can improve logistics system in the country by way of introducing strong tracking to the system because technology is taking over and we should key into the trend because Drivers, trucks and goods needs to be monitored properly while on transit.

Another way to improve logistics business, is the area of customer relationship. Company owners should not leverage on customer service staff alone, but should be everybody’s concern ranging from the CEO to the least person in such organisation.

How do you advise the government on the ease of doing business in our ports?

I will start by advising them on the need for automation in our ports and avoid the manual way of handling things in the ports. I will also advise them to look into making a policy that will see to the proper way of recruiting and remuneration of drivers in Nigeria especially truck drivers because drivers are the main point of logistics as far as Ports is concerned.

Can we know some of the products you export and import?

We export gadgets like phones, laptops and documents. We also import same items alongside clothes. Note that; we don’t export or import flammables and perishable items like perfumes and food stuffs.

Do you experience delays in clearing goods from the ports?

Not really because for now, we are still operating as third party logistics because we don’t own air plane.

What are we expecting from you in the next 10 years?

OK! From now till the next ten years, we look forward to having more than enough branches within Nigeria, Africa and around the world.

Who are your local and international partners?

Our international partners are DHL and UPS, while JUMIA is our local partner in Nigeria.

Who are the big names you have worked for?

We have worked for Arami Essential, Alabaru NG, Emmykasbit, Eragbae Clothing, DMS Automation, to mention but few.

What is your hobby sir?

I love reading a lot  and going for conferences and seminars all for the sake of gaining more knowledge and skills. Customer interactions is one of my hobbies too.

For record purposes, may I know you sir?

My name is Henry Ogbonna.I hail from Imo state, born and bred in Lagos State. I am the CEO, HENOG GLOBAL LOGISTICS, a graduate of History and International Studies from Ekiti State University. I possessed a CILT Diploma and Advanced Diploma professional qualification in Logistics and Transport in 2018 and 2019 respectively. I am a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). 

My love for logistics business started in 2017 when I was a logistics manager of a company here in Lagos and was in charge of Exports and Interstate delivery within Nigeria.

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