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Group to widows: Be determined to raise good children,

Third from left; Pastor James Oni, with other WICCO officials after the AGM

By Lanre Adesanya

A charge has gone to widows to stand strong despite their sorrow and misfortune, in order to ensure that they give their children the best in life.

The Chairman of the Widows Care and Charity Organisation (WICCO) Pastor James Oni gave the charge yesterday during the Annual General Meeting of the organisation which took place at Ikosi Ketu yesterday.

He said though the death of their husband would pose a set back as they now had to shoulder all alone, the task of child rearing in a world that is hostile to widows, but urged them not to be despondent as the death of their husband should be used to challenge and stir their courage to face the future with confidence.

“The world is waiting to either praise or mock you. Do not let the death of your husband be your downfall. Show the world that there is something inside of you. Show the world that you are not lazy, start a business and be more concerned in raising responsible children so that you don’t end up blaming the society, when they become deviants due to lack of care from you,” Oni said.

He said as a group, WICCO has stopped giving monetary empowerment to widows as a form of assistance, but rather now focuses on material empowerment, to improve their lot and better their economic status.

The cleric said he is very passionate about the cause of widows because once their husband dies, the dependent especially the widow are usually very vulnerable.

Oni urge the widows present to expect more support with respect to making them self employed.

He said: “We are shifting from cash empowerment to material empowerment, this we are sure will lead to economic improvement of widows, it is also self sustaining.
“The little efforts and connection we have, we shall continually do our bit to ensure help comes from time to time for you.
“Our feed the widows’ concept is growing in leaps and bounds. This year, the Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation sent 10 widows to us to partake in the gesture and they were catered for.

“We are not there yet as there are many more widows we need to reach out to, so we call for assistance in cash and kind from public spirited individuals, to keep the hope of these widows alive”. Oni reiterated.

The Chairperson Deaconess Busola Oluwadamilare, in her keynote address charged widows to buckle up and ignore societal distractions, as they focus on grooming the future they desire in their wards.

“Being a widow is not the end of the journey neither is it the end of the world. Let it be the beginning of the best time for you by facing your children squarely.
“Train them right let the aids afforded by WICCO improve your lot as well as that of your child or children, let it reflect.
“You are only recognised for all your efforts when people see your children doing great, always pray for your children every day, decree what you want into their lives.

“Also pray to be a success story in parenting not a disaster, I know of some organisation that are fraudulent but I am convinced that WICCO is genuine.

“I urge our women out there not to heap all the financial burden of having a functional home on their husbands, they should have a viable venture that will give them some earnings with which they can be of help to their spouse.

“Let’s team up and nurture our children for the future we desire. A good society starts from the home and women play a pivotal role in building the home, where peace, joy and happiness dwells,” Oluwadamilare asserts.

WICCO’s Vice Chairman Mrs. Janet Olamiposi Ampitan, in her keynote address cited the need for the Annual General Meeting.

“The AGM is one we ought to have had in 2018, so as to be able to give a feedback to the government, for all the support we have received as well as to chart a new course for WICCO.

“We have been registered by Lagos State Government and we need to keep them posted about how far we have gone as an organisation.

“Finance is cardinal for greater attainment so we are calling on public spirited ones out there, to support this cause.” Ampitan said.

One of WICCO’s beneficiaries, Mrs. Bola Sanusi, eulogises the initiator. She said two of her children have gained admission into tertiary institution due to their assistance.

“The organisation has been very supportive, two of my wards got admission in school due to efforts of WICCO and I am certain the selflessness of the initiator will yield an enduring fruit, aside that I have also enjoyed some empowerment opportunities from the organisation through skill acquisition programmes and more.

Another beneficiary also said she had benefitted immensely from the sewing of lunch bag souvenir and souvenir bags, “now I am economically empowered.”

The initiator of Tribute Children Links Initiative Comrade Rotimi Ogunmayowa in his contribution appraised all that widows go through but encouraged them not to lose hope.

“I urge you not to relent, or lose hope just because you have lost your husbands. If God has blessed you with a child that is the time you needed to be strong for them. Let us monitor our wards because of the dangers lurking around if we allow them to wander off.

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